Two Secrets to a Guest-Ready Home

I don’t have the cleanest home in the world, and not every area is neat and organized.  But it is almost always guest-ready.  So if I get a phone call that someone is dropping by, I usually don’t have to run around like a chicken with its head cut off to straighten things up. So what’s my secret?  I have a couple. Let me share the first one.  It is that I don’t make messes and I don’t allow for them. If there is a struggle you or someone in the home is having, when it comes to messes, then … Continue reading

5 Keys to a Hospitable Home

What does it mean to have a hospitable home? It means a home that is welcoming and friendly to those who visit. It also means a comfortable and pleasant place to live in. So whether you are entertaining guests or taking care of your family, your home should be hospitable. Here are 5 keys to having a hospitable home… The first is having at least one room where everyone can comfortably gather. For some people they can’t keep up with an entire house, in making sure it is always guest-ready or family-friendly. So if you pick one room to create … Continue reading

Welcoming Houseguests

Summertime is the season of houseguests. I think everyone has at least one every year. My mom will be coming to visit for my sisters wedding so I’m getting ready for her company. In addition to cleaning the house I need to get the room she will sleep in ready. There are some basic things you can do to make your houseguests stay a little nicer. Bathroom Lots of clean towels, easily accessible Extra rolls of toilet paper in a convenient place Toiletries- usually when staying at someone else’s home you don’t bring shampoo and toothpaste so make sure they … Continue reading

Oh No, Mom’s Coming For a Visit!

My mom is coming to visit in two weeks because my sister is getting married. Why does the thought of your mother visiting turn you into an insecure teenager again. I guess you are never too old to want your mother to be proud of you. That means I will spend the next two weeks cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Not that she cares, my mother could care less if my house is clean, but I care. The carpets have taken a beating so I’ll have to steam clean everything. The spare bedroom will need to be cleaned and it … Continue reading

Comfort Over Price

While I am all for keeping an orderly, clean and organized home, I think it’s important that we also consider comfort. I could never forego comfort in an effort to have the “ideal” home or even to save money. Fellow blogger Carol Paxman recently wrote about having a good night’s sleep and how she makes that happen by having a comfortable mattress. I can attest to the importance of this. For many years, my husband and I slept on a mattress that my grandmother gave me. When we were first married there wasn’t a lot of money, so anything we … Continue reading