Baby Sleep is Unpredictable

Last night was brutal. My little man was up every couple of hours. Screaming for no apparent reason. It was tough. But, what made it even tougher was the fact that he had just turned a corner with his sleep habits, and had started sleeping through the night for like 5 days in a row. He is 13 months old. Unfortunately, a baby’s sleep is never predictable. I remember my daughter having episodes like that too. And, she was my best sleeper. My middle child was the worst, not sleeping through the night until he was 18 months old. And, … Continue reading

How to Sleep Cheap on Vacation

My husband told me a story yesterday about some unconventional places to stay that were cropping up as a result of the 2012 Olympics in London. For example one creative cabbie is renting out his cab as a sort of makeshift hotel for desperate tourists who waited too long to get regular lodgings for the games. For $75 a night, his guests can sleep somewhat comfortably in his cab, with access to the bathroom in his home. Considering that hotel rates for the games are in the hundreds if not the thousands of dollars per night, that is a pretty … Continue reading

A Good Nights Sleep

My bedroom is my favorite room in my house. When I walk in there I know my work is done, I can just relax. Usually I read before bedtime so it’s something I really look forward to. I try to make my bedroom a welcoming haven from the day. The most important part, is the mattress. If you don’t have a good mattress sleep will be difficult and uncomfortable and lead to problems the next day. Keeping your mattress from sagging or developing a dip will go a long way in protecting the investment you’ve made in your mattress. If … Continue reading

Wrestling A Baby To Sleep

Last night, I certainly felt like I was in a wrestling match. Since we are currently co-sleeping (and not entirely by our choice, but more so our baby’s) it is always a little tricky with three people in the bed. But, this morning, I woke up feeling like I had literally been wrestling all night. That is not a good feeling! My five-month-old is as precious as it gets. He smiles all day long, even when sick, and has a great temperament these days, unlike those early ones. But, the nights are long. They are a battle. They are tough … Continue reading

Co Sleeping with Baby Number One Part II

With more confidence in co sleeping (although I had more experience with the co than the sleeping bit… I was one tired mommy), I figured that it was time to try nursing in the side laying position. Once the breastfeeding pain had largely diminished and when my son was more sturdy (around three or four weeks). We ventured into the wonderful world of baby nursing while mommy can fall asleep in a more comfortable position (laying down instead of sitting up). This worked well and I was finally getting some sleep without having to get out of bed or sit … Continue reading

Co Sleeping with Baby Number One

When I was pregnant with my first baby I mulled over whether or not my baby would sleep in the same bed as my husband and I. I had heard several arguments for both. I went back and forth on the subject for the duration of my pregnancy. I was leaning more towards not co sleeping. I was petrified at the possibility of hurting my baby. The first night with my newborn son was short. He was born at two in the morning and we got to bed at five in the morning. We went to sleep with our son … Continue reading

Getting A Good Nights Sleep

What does your bedroom look like? Is this the room you stuff things in if you have unexpected company? Do you put things in your bedroom, until you can find a place for them? I know I’m guilty of that. I have books that need to be shelved, clothes that need to be donated, even a toddler bed that needs to go in another room. Yes it’s inconvenient to have to walk around all of these things and as we all know, clutter seems to breed clutter. It’s much easier to put something in a room that’s already a little … Continue reading

We Survived Our First Nights With a Newborn

We survived our first night as parents to a three week old. It seems so surreal that two days ago we did not even know that our little girl was in existence and now here we are parents to a 3 year old, a one year old and a three week old. I am not going to lie getting three kids in a less than five months was a lot. It was a huge culture shock. When we started the adoption process we did not even consider a new born and here we are. Unlike when you have a child … Continue reading

“Monkey Mind” Could Help Your Child Fall Asleep

There are nights when it seems as though your child is never going to settle down and go to sleep. Children who have ADHD tend to have quite a bit of difficulty calming down and laying still, two things one must do in order to be able to sleep. You could try reading them a children’s book called “Monkey Mind”, by Phoebe Lee. It is a story that kids with ADHD might be able to relate to. It seems like an incredibly unfair quirk of Fate that kids who have ADHD are so dramatically affected by a lack of sleep. … Continue reading

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep – Part 2

I blogged the other day about things you don’t want to eat before bedtime if you want a good night’s sleep. Things like chocolate and caffeine may prevent you from getting the sleep you need. But, there are some things you can eat to help. One unlikely snack is cherries. Yes, cherries are one of the few natural foods that contain melatonin, the precious chemical we need to help regulate our sleep. You will also find melatonin in bananas and grapes, but cherries, both fresh and dried, contain more. If you want to plan for a good night’s sleep, eat … Continue reading