The Slime Craze is Causing a Glue Shortage

Has your child taken a sudden interest in slime? It seems to be the newest, hottest, trend among children, tweens, and even some teenagers. The slime craze is so popular that it is causing craft stores to run out of glue. Slime is a homemade substance that can be made in any color. It starts out sticky and becomes a gelatinous substance that can be pulled, stretched and squished. There are plenty of recipes and photos of slime on Pinterest. A pastel rainbow colored version is called “unicorn poop.” Some kids are making slime that corresponds to a holiday (such … Continue reading

Homemade Laundry Soap Revisited

As you may have noticed, I’m always looking to save money. Although I want a clean home and clean laundry, I don’t want to have to pay a fortune for the products to get it that way. I’ve tried just about everything, and now I’m trying the rest of the things. Laundry products are a big issue for me. First of all they come in huge plastic jugs. Yes, the plastic is recyclable but it’s even better to not bring it home. Then once you open that huge jug you are basically washing your clothes in a mix of chemicals. … Continue reading

Make Your Own Fabric Softener

For years, I jut skipped the fabric softener in my home, since I viewed it as an unnecessary expense. Then one day, I got two bottles of fabric softener for practically nothing. Now I’m hooked. I love the softness and the smell of the laundry when I use fabric softener, and apparently so does everyone else in my family. There was a noticeable difference. Unfortunately, finding a lifetime supply of free fabric softener is probably an impossible task, unless someone invites me to go on the Extreme Couponing show. So now, when I can get the fabric softener cheaply, I … Continue reading

Laundry Detergent Dangers

Have you tried the new Tide pods? I haven’t but lately I’ve been reading how dangerous they are. It seems that children have been ingesting them and it is causing medical problems that have led to hospitalization in a few cases. We all know cleaning products of any type should be kept out of the reach of children. We all also know how very curious toddlers are and those bright blue orange and white capsules are just too tempting. To a toddler they look absolutely yummy. Proctor and Gamble, the makers of Tide, are redesigning the packaging. They are going … Continue reading

The Laundry Monster

At my house, laundry is a never ending job. Just as soon as I get the laundry room floor cleared, the piles start again. Sometimes it feels like before I’m even finished folding something it’s back in the hamper. Laundry is not difficult but it is time consuming and really, nothing shortens the cycle of the washer or dryer so you have to find other ways to make the job a little easier. I tried using homemade laundry detergent but just wasn’t happy with the results, I am going to try some other recipes but in the meantime I want … Continue reading

Laundry Detergent Black Market

I guess it’s time to put a lock on the laundry room! I have been reading all over the news and internet about thieves stealing Tide laundry detergent. I thought when I first read it that there was some ingredient in Tide that allowed people to make drugs, much like the cold medicine that is kept behind counters now, but that wasn’t the case. The price of goods for our homes, things like laundry detergent and shampoo have gone up so much that in this economy, many people struggle to afford them. Perfect opportunity to make a buck. It’s been … Continue reading

Using Homemade Laundry Detergent

So I made laundry soap. I decided to make the powder instead of the liquid. I didn’t put essential oils in it because it smelled good already. Here is the recipe I used: 1 cup washing soda I cup borax I bar Fels Naptha soap grated I used and old coffee canister to store it in. First I grated in the soap, then added the washing soda and borax and stirred until it was all a finely mixed powder. I used about a tablespoon for a full load of laundry. I wasn’t able to hang the clothes outside because the … Continue reading

Pets vs. Your Carpet

Removing pet stains from carpets is never a good time. However, cleaning is inevitable if your dog or cat spends the majority of his time indoors. Accidents happen and when they do timing is everything. The key to salvaging your carpet from pet feces or urine is to act quickly and use effective cleaners. As soon as you spot a pet stain reach for rags or absorbent paper towels to soak or wipe up the mess. The longer you let animal urine or feces sit on carpeting the worse the smell gets. If you are dealing primarily with urine stains, … Continue reading

Are You Using the Right Laundry Detergent?

Remember when you could go to the store, roll down the laundry detergent aisle, grab one of three different brands of soap, and then go home confident that your clothes would get squeaky clean? These days, some stores have multiple aisles devoted to laundry detergent because a single aisle cannot possibly accommodate all of the different varieties. There was a time when I could pull a container of Tide off the shelf with my eyes closed and know I was getting the right soap, but now the brand has no less than a dozen different varieties, including: Original Tide, Tide … Continue reading

Why the Mold in Your Home Must Go!

For years now we’ve been told that mold in our homes is bad for us. It seems to creep into our homes before we know it. Damp basements and bathrooms are its favorite hiding spots and we need to seek professional help to get rid of it. If you have mold lurking in your home, there are more reasons to get rid of it than aesthetic value… your kids. Numerous studies, including one from the Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study found that 3-year-old children who had visible mold in their homes during infancy were 7 times more likely … Continue reading