Break Out the Toothbrush

How do you know when your bathroom is really clean? Your teenagers notice it. I’m not talking surface stuff here but deep down clean. And I have to admit, walking into my bathroom suddenly feels so much nicer knowing I have gotten down to every crevice there is. You don’t really know deep down cleaning in a bathroom until you break out the toothbrush. That is the tool which provided the thorough cleaning that was long overdue. What prompted me to spend nearly two hours in the bathroom, much of it with a toothbrush? How about hosting a graduation party … Continue reading

The Toothbrush in my Guitar

Over the past couple of months our son has started to really enjoy the sounds of musical instruments. What started out as an interest in the big guitars leaned up against the wall (that at the time were off limits) and the piano keys that he couldn’t reach has slowly turned into a genuine enjoyment of sound itself. Even if he’s listening to one of those crazy battery-powered jingles coming from a plastic toy shaped like a home appliance he instantly stops when he hears the sound of a live instrument. One strum of the guitar and he gets up … Continue reading

Avoiding Winter Battery Breakdowns

Having a breakdown in the winter is not any fun. Take it from me, who in the past, has experienced dead batteries in zero-degree weather, torn windshield wipers when the city streets were full of slush, and a spin out off of a highway exit ramp while trying to work. Each of those cases could probably been avoided if I had done a little preparation. First, let us talk about your car battery. Car batteries definitely have a tendency to die more often in the winter months. It requires extra power to turn over in cold temperatures, when both the … Continue reading

Cleaning Your Medicine Cabinet

My family has been packing for a trip to Texas. So it has required me to take more notice of things that need to be organized. We were trying to decide which medications to take, such as something for car sickness, ibuprofen, migraine and allergy medicine. But finding what I needed proved to be a challenge. That’s because I realized how completely disorganized my medicine cabinet was. And I ended up having to throw out items that were past their expiration date. So I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to clean it out. That required emptying it first. … Continue reading

5 Exfoliants You Can Create at Home

For the luxury of a spa treatment without the expense, create your own formulas. Exfoliants are fun and a good party of any beauty treatment. They work by sloughing off dead skin cells that can make your skin dull or cause break outs. You can create your own scrub and experiment with different recipes until you get one that works perfectly for you. While not all of the ingredients listed below are all natural, you can feel confident about choosing ones that are, if that is a concern for you. You can also avoid any ingredients that may cause allergies. … Continue reading

The Dirtiest Thing in Your House

What do you think is the dirtiest thing in your house? Do you believe it’s the grease-spattered wall behind your stove? Or perhaps you are thinking like most, that it must be your bathroom. Perhaps the toilet seat, especially if you have boys that tend to miss the inside. Well according to a microbiologist, it could be your toothbrush. In fact, you might even be brushing your teeth not just with toothpaste and water but what is inside your toilet. Ewwww. This depends on your setup. If your bathroom sink is right next to the toilet and you keep your … Continue reading

What To Put In An Emergency Bag

Yet another fire breaks out in Utah. It seems that every day there is at least one. It’s starting to get really scary and there doesn’t seem to be any rain in sight. It has been 35 days since we have had any measurable rain. The forecast says we may get some thunderstorms Thursday. In most areas that would be a relief, usually, in Utah, thunderstorms mean just lots of dry lightning. Add that to the already dry conditions and we are looking at even more fires. I’ve written several posts about being prepared for emergencies but that was always … Continue reading

Not Stressing

When you are hosting a graduation party and expecting more than 80 people to come through your home, you have a lot of planning to do. Then try throwing the party on a Sunday when Friday night you have another graduation party to attend and Saturday you are out of town all day. If someone had told me a month ago that this would be my situation, I would have gone bananas. It is not in me to function at this level. I am Miss Organized, always having my ducks in a row. I prepare and plan well in advance … Continue reading

Strategies for the Crowded Bathroom

Do you have a four-person pile up in the bathroom in the mornings? Maybe it is even worse than that? No matter your family size, unless you have a bathroom for each member of your family who can walk, there is bound to be some delay each morning or evening, as everyone competes for getting in to the most popular room in the house. Here are some strategies that you can use to make everything run much more smoothly, leaving the pile behind for good. If you have at least two bathrooms, send the kids to the other one while … Continue reading

The Low-Down on Unwanted Halloween Loot

I am convinced that Laffy Taffy was created by a starving dentist. How else do you explain its concrete-like texture and magical ability to transform into a sugary rubber band when mixed with body heat and saliva? It’s the devil’s candy of choice, and in our house it takes a direct flight from my kid’s Halloween treat bucket to the trash can, though I have considered storing the colorful wads of sweet cement and handing them out to trick-or-treaters exactly 365 days after my daughter collects them. Goodness knows their consistency can’t get any worse with age. Clearly, I don’t … Continue reading