Holiday Preparations: Cleaning

So did you purchase a binder to start your holiday organizer? Or perhaps you found another method that works better for you. We are now just over a week until Thanksgiving. So it’s time to start preparing your home for guests and that means…cleaning. One of the suggestions I had given in my previous blog was to write down the rooms that need some extra attention before you have family and friends over. If you haven’t already done that, use your holiday organizing binder to make notes. The point of writing it down is that you don’t feel like you … Continue reading

Holiday Preparations: Planning

With the start of November, I know it’s time for me to start planning for the holidays. As of today, we have just over a couple of weeks until Thanksgiving and just over seven weeks until Christmas. For many this is their favorite time of the year. But for others it is one of the most stressful. However, I believe that much of the stress could be relieved by preparing and planning ahead of time. Are you starting to think about the cookies to be baked…the meals to be planned…the house that needs cleaning? This can quickly become very overwhelming. … Continue reading

Designated Days

In the “old days” they used to designate certain days for specific tasks. For instance there was wash day and market day. While there may have been other tasks accomplished on those days, there was a particular focus on certain things. If you are looking to put a new spin on keeping up with the house, why not bring back some of those old ways in a modernized version? Of course, this will depend on the unique needs of your family and how you run your household. One day could be “office day.” If you run a home-based business, you … Continue reading

Weekly Cleaning Routine

In my last blog I talked about having a daily cleaning routine and how that can decrease the amount of time you spend cleaning your house in general. A weekly cleaning routine is just as important. When you implement both, your house will be maintained on a regular basis. Have you ever really thought about all the things you are responsible for in your home? Not just the cleaning but the cooking, decorating, organizing, managing the bills, running errands, and so much more. It is a lot to keep up with and can feel overwhelming. Balance and scheduling are really … Continue reading

Everything Has a Place

I think a lot of our housekeeping problems could be solved if we just learned to pick up after ourselves. Of course, that also means teaching your family to do the same. You have probably heard the phrase, “Everything has a place.” It really is true. The key is finding that place and then maintaining it. Maintenance in a home is done by the simple act of picking up and putting away. Think about the little ways this can be done, which could really add up. Or perhaps it would help to consider how not picking up the little things … Continue reading

The Couple that Does Chores Together, Stays Together

On a recent episode of the sitcom “Raising Hope,” the married couple in the show clash over the division of their chores. They each make the other person do the chore they hate most, but by the end of the episode they’ve started doing those tasks together. They find that the jobs they hate most aren’t really so bad when they do them together. It struck me just how true to life that is (which is a rare thing to find on television). If I really don’t want to do something around the house, I’ve found it’s a lot easier … Continue reading

Managing Your Mail

We often think of clutter in the way of large items and “stuff.” But paper can be a real source of clutter, especially the mail. This is a real thorn in my side because although I manage my mail, my husband doesn’t. So he has piles of paper, all stuff that has come in the mail, in various areas. Honestly, if it weren’t for online bill paying, I don’t know how he would do it because you can’t find anything. But I will ignore his piles and just share with you what I have done. And yes, I have tried … Continue reading

Breaking Big Tasks Down Into Smaller Ones

If you live in a one-room house, the idea of tackling chores might not be so bad. But I would guess this isn’t the case for most of us. So for every room that makes up the inside of your home, the more work there is to be done. When I think about going through the rooms of my house to do my chores, it can feel a bit overwhelming. However there are ways to break your big tasks down into smaller ones. For instance, go through each room but only focus on those things that are most visible. For … Continue reading