Cleaner, Greener Houses

April is Earth month and all though we all know the things we can do in our home to get rid of toxins and make it more Earth friendly, sometimes we need a reminder. Here is your reminder. You’re welcome. *Dust with a damp cloth to make sure the toxins in the dust in your home don’t just get redeposited in the air. *Open your windows occasionally, even in the winter, to allow fresh air in and stale polluted air out. *Buy organic food for your family. It is grown without pesticides or fertilizers and meat contains no drugs or … Continue reading

Toxins Get the Boot

I hate toxins. I mean, I guess everyone should, but I really hate to use anything in the house that I think might be toxic – any kind of cleaner, repair fluid, or pesticide. But, sometimes you use toxins that you just don’t think about. Here are a few things you might be using around the house and alternatives: Antibacterial Soap That’s right – something you think may be keeping you safe may actually be harming you. That’s because some antibacterial soap contains triclosan. Triclosan may mess up your thyroid functions and hormone levels. In fact, researchers have discovered that … Continue reading