More about Children and Chemicals

I have blogged before about children and the affects chemicals we expose them to every day may affect them. I am not talking about any unusual exposure, but just exposure to things like carpet cleaner, cell phones, and plastic. Think about how many different products we use today compared to what we used 20 years ago. Do you know how safe each product you use really is? Do you know what it is made of? It is a lot to think about. There is a Senate subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics, and Environmental Health that is examining the chemicals we are … Continue reading

Cleaning Carpets Minus the Chemicals

In a previous blog I shared my experience dealing with the aftermath of vacuuming foam carpet cleaner before it had a chance to dry thoroughly. According to one reader, scrapping wadded up lint and gunk from the underbelly of my vacuum with a wooden chopstick is nothing compared to the negative impact foam carpet cleaner has on the human body. Do tell… The crux of the reader’s email was to inform me that chemical carpet cleaners are toxic and can cause a variety of health problems, plus they pollute the environment. Apparently, most foam carpet cleaners contain perchloroethylene, sodium hydroxide, … Continue reading

My Dog Is Ruining My Carpet

My little dog is having potty issues. She is basically driving me out of my mind. I’ve tried everything, I kennel her any time I’m not home and at night while I’m sleeping. Somehow she still finds time to pee on the floor. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately spot cleaning the carpet and steam cleaning it and I’m learning more and more. The most important thing is to try to clean up accidents as soon as they occur. This isn’t always possible but once the urine soaks through to the pad it’s really hard to get rid … Continue reading