Staging Your House for Less

Something about spring makes me start watching all of those home shows. You know the ones where couples and sometimes singles look for the perfect house, fix up and put their homes on the market or just do some renovations. Maybe it is because spring is the most popular time of the year to list a house and get a buyer. While the housing market has promise of turning around, there is still quite a lot of “stock,” houses on the market. This means that in order to make yours sell, it needs to shine. One thing that helps house … Continue reading

Giving Your Room a New Look

Photo is My Living Room Windows This past weekend I spent a few hours deep cleaning both my living and dining rooms. I scrubbed the floors, wiped down the walls, took down every picture and dusted it, cleaned the ceiling fans and so on. But I decided to do more than just clean. I moved furniture around. In fact, I ended up taking out the coffee table that was in my living room, which really opened up the space. I also decided to allow more light to come in. While I always open our blinds in the morning, I leave … Continue reading

Freshen Your Home for Spring

Have you been to Target this week? The discount retailer is having a huge sale on plastic storage totes, shelving units and a slew of other items to help you organize, as you tackle your spring cleaning projects. In addition to the storage-related items, Target is offering deep discounts on slipcovers for sofas, loveseats and chairs. At first I wondered how slipcovers tied into spring cleaning, but then I realized that if you have furniture with dark upholstery, adding a slipcover with a soft floral pattern or solid pastel could easily freshen up the look of your living room. If … Continue reading

Chip Off the Old Block

If you have ever had to clean candle wax off of couch cushions, then you are likely well skilled in the art of chipping. Or at least you should be. According to cleaning experts, you should never attempt to wipe hot wax off of fabrics, be it leather, silk or cotton. Rather, you should allow the wax to harden, and then carefully chip it off before treating any stain that remains. Depending on the size and shape of your cushion you might consider placing it in the freezer to speed up the hardening time. If the cushion is large or … Continue reading

Wall*E Goes Beyond Disney Scope

Wall*E is not going to be a traditional Disney or even Pixar release for that matter. It goes beyond the Disney scope and actually broaches more into the realm of science fiction. According to Andrew Staunton, the creation of Wall*E is based on the question : What if mankind had to evacuate Earth and someone forgot to turn off the last robot? Evolution & Robotics There has been a great deal of literary speculation over the years about the evolution of man and machine. Chief among the speculators was Isaac Asimov in his works that I, Robot was based on. … Continue reading

More New Uses for Old Ties

Old ties gathering dust? Why not put them to good use with some fun and easy projects? In a previous blog, New Uses for Old Ties, I talked about preparing and cleaning out for our upcoming move. I found a box of old ties that my husband no longer needed, and I wondered what to do with them. Two ideas that I shared were a tie lamp and a tie photo frame. Now, here are three more great uses, or reuses for old ties. Another use that I have heard about over and over again for using old ties to … Continue reading