Restoring Wood Floors

There’s not a lot of love for commercial wood floor cleaners these days. A quick scan of cleaning forums on the Internet reveals a huge rift between people who despise non-eco-friendly wood cleaners and those who don’t mind cleaning their floors with products made with a few toxic chemicals. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, there is no denying that all-natural wood cleaners are all the rage right now. I spent about an hour researching homemade wood floor cleaners and found no less than two dozens recipes using pantry staples. Vinegar is the king of natural cleaning products, … Continue reading

First Things First

Today I learned a very important lesson- the order in which you do chores is very important. For instance, never clean the house before you bathe the dog. I have a little shih tzu, she is just as cute as she can be but she is also a mess. Because she has hair instead of fur it grows, and grows and grows, requiring frequent trips to the groomers. I decided to help out my budget and groom the dog myself. I spent Sunday cleaning the house, I even swept out the garage, I was pretty proud of the way the … Continue reading