Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Weekends

We are finally at the end of my blog series on cleaning in 30 minutes or less. What better way to wrap it up than talking about the weekend. I don’t know about you, but I like to keep my weekends as free as possible. That means I don’t want to spend hours cleaning. I would rather enjoy activities or just a day of relaxing. Despite working full-time during the week, because of my routine, I am still able to tackle important areas of my home and leave my weekends relatively free of chores. That is always my number one … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Fridays

It’s the last day of the week in this blog series. How will you end your week when it comes to cleaning? For me, I can do it in 30 minutes or less. The fact that my entire work week has been like this, makes my life so much easier. Not to sound like a broken record but once again, my cleaning routine includes breaking out the Lysol wipes and doing a quick wipe down in the kitchen and bathroom, which takes about 5 minutes. Then I focus the remaining time on dusting and mopping. I can complete dusting in … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Thursdays

So in today’s blog I am going to be talking about how I clean in 30 minutes or less on Thursdays. As a reminder, this blog series is less about which chores you should do on which days, but on finding a routine that works best for you. Everyone’s needs as far as housekeeping and how often certain chores are done will be different. It will depend on how big your house is, pets you own, the number of children you have and what age group they are in and so on. Once again, I will remind you that I … Continue reading

Cleaning Your House in Less Than 30 Minutes

Did you know that in less than 30 minutes a day you can clean your house? I’m not talking about a deep cleaning. I’m talking about a surface cleaning and then time spent focusing on one room or task. Let me give you an example of how I do this. Let’s take Mondays. On Mondays I concentrate my effort into cleaning the kitchen. But I also make a sweep through our other main rooms to get them in order. It really does take me less than 30 minutes. I start by sweeping the kitchen floor (1 minute) and then I … Continue reading