Weekly Cleaning Routine

In my last blog I talked about having a daily cleaning routine and how that can decrease the amount of time you spend cleaning your house in general. A weekly cleaning routine is just as important. When you implement both, your house will be maintained on a regular basis. Have you ever really thought about all the things you are responsible for in your home? Not just the cleaning but the cooking, decorating, organizing, managing the bills, running errands, and so much more. It is a lot to keep up with and can feel overwhelming. Balance and scheduling are really … Continue reading

Daily Cleaning Routine

Do you have a daily cleaning routine? Whether you call it this or daily chores, it’s important to have something in place so that you can keep up. Some things must necessarily be done on a daily basis, such as washing dishes. Other things depend on your standards, the number of people in your family and the expectations. For instance, some of the things in my home that must be done daily include laundry, sweeping, dishes, wiping counters, surface cleaning of the bathroom, making beds and so on. Everyone’s daily list will look different. If you can set aside a … Continue reading

It Is Time to Reinstate Some Routines Around Here

Today, I was thinking about how I am trying to find my way back to some form of regular daily and weekly routines. As I thought about that, I remembered how some of the routines that I had been using in the past helped me to get more work done than I am currently doing now. Of course, I’m not naïve enough to think that simply reinstating my favorite routines will restore my productivity to where it was before our new baby arrived. That said, I am optimistic that our days may run more smoothly and I could get more … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Weekends

We are finally at the end of my blog series on cleaning in 30 minutes or less. What better way to wrap it up than talking about the weekend. I don’t know about you, but I like to keep my weekends as free as possible. That means I don’t want to spend hours cleaning. I would rather enjoy activities or just a day of relaxing. Despite working full-time during the week, because of my routine, I am still able to tackle important areas of my home and leave my weekends relatively free of chores. That is always my number one … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Mondays

Today’s blog is going to address how I clean in 30 minutes or less on Mondays. By keeping a consistent schedule, my house is ready for guests at the drop of a hat most of the time. I start off each morning with a cup of coffee. That is my fuel to get me started. I begin my cleaning routine within minutes of waking up. Why? I have a couple of reasons for this. The first is that I want to get the cleaning out of the way, so I can move on to bigger and better things. The second … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less Series

I have decided to share some of my tips on how I keep my house clean, by spending just 30 minutes a day on it. Now of course, some of what I do may not work in your home. For instance, if you don’t have pets, that type of cleaning won’t apply. But hopefully what you learn from my schedule is that you really can keep a neat, orderly home and not spend a lot of time on it. Each day of the week I have certain tasks and chores that I do. Because I like to keep my weekends … Continue reading

Spring Closet Cleaning

Where do I sign up for a HGTV cleaning pro to come to my house and revamp my closet? I need someone to help me deep-clean and organize my walk-in. Sabrina Soto… Vern Yip… Genevieve Gorder … PLEASE!! Actually, my closet is not dirty, but it could use some restructuring. I am blessed to have a fairly large closet, but I know I am not using the space as effectively as I could be. I’ve taken stabs at trying to organize my bedroom closet. Some have worked better than others. The winners are: Seasonal Rotation If space is exceptionally tight, … Continue reading

Everyday Cleaning

Is it possible to skip daily cleaning routines? I suppose if you live alone there would be days you could pass on cleaning, but if you have a spouse or children, I don’t see how you could avoid cleaning at least a little each day, especially when it comes to dishes and laundry. There are many days when I wish that I could ditch the dishes or the laundry (OH!MY!WORD! the laundry!), but I don’t see how it would be possible to do so. After all, we only have so many forks and spoons… and pairs of underwear, so going … Continue reading

The Benefits of Having a Work-Day Routine

As I prepared for the birth of my son last November, I was on bed rest and had some time on my hands. I spent a lot of time reading about various parenting strategies and thinking about what I would do with my son, and how I would find work as a stay at home mom. For some reason, I decided that I would be one of those go with the flow type of parents that did not have a rigid daily schedule for feedings, naps, and the like. I thought that doing things that way would be the best … Continue reading

Home Chore List: Annual Cleaning Chores (2)

How are you with your chores? Have you been tackling the annual chores that I listed last week? I hope so, since we have the rest of the list to do. If not, don’t worry. Just go back to the articles that you have missed and start there. You’ll find a list with all of the links at the end of this article. Chore lists can be really helpful when you are trying to organize your household and your routine. So far, we have covered most of the bases, from daily cleaning chores to our once-a-year stuff. Now to get … Continue reading