How to Make a Weekly Frugal Food Plan

Food is quickly becoming one of the biggest expenses in the average family’s budget. Attack your food budget with a weekly money-saving plan. Each day pick a task that will help you save money on your food bill. Developing a weekly frugal food plan can reduce the cost of feeding your family. Below, you can see an example of my own weekly frugal food plan. You can use it as a guideline and customize it to make it your own, so it makes sense for you and your family. Sunday Go grocery shopping with a list and coupons. Distribute bulk … Continue reading

Winter Meal Planning

It feels like I am constantly running to the grocery store. If I’m lucky, I only go a couple of times during the week. But more often it ends up being three or four times that I visit. Now that it’s gotten colder and I am thinking ahead to the winter months, my goal is to eliminate unnecessary trips to the store. The only way I can really do that is to improve my meal planning skills. Last year I had this great idea of trying three new recipes every week. I was tired of cooking the same things over … Continue reading

Developing a Meal Plan

I have shared in a few blogs my lack of meal planning. Which in turn means I don’t always feed my family well…or at all. In fact, my children are frequently complaining about their mother not preparing dinner and yes, I do feel guilty about that. As a housekeeper, I take my role as caring for the home and family very seriously. But let’s face it…I am human and I am imperfect. There are some areas that I do better in. But I also have those areas I really struggle with. I have had good intentions about changing this but … Continue reading

Ways to Make Disneyland Less Expensive

Planning a trip to Disneyland? Your children will love it. Your wallet, however, may be cringing already! Family travel can get expensive very quickly, especially when a theme park is involved. Here are some ways to make Disneyland a little less expensive. How to save money on tickets If you live in Anaheim, California, you won’t have much difficulty finding a discount on tickets to Disneyland. There are “Disneyland Good Neighbor” hotels that can legally sell tickets at a discounted price. If you live elsewhere, you can take advantage of the discounted tickets by booking a hotel stay in one … Continue reading

Cleaning while Cooking

This week my 15-year-old daughter made an entire meal by herself. It was meat loaf and fried potatoes. I wasn’t home to help her, so she was entirely on her own. When I did come home, it was to a huge mess. I had done a really good job teaching her how to make one of our favorite meals but I had apparently not taught her the art of keeping the kitchen clean while you cook. It drives me crazy when I see someone cooking or baking and there is a mess everywhere. That’s probably why I especially enjoy the … Continue reading

Forget The Don’t List Here Are Things That You Can Do While Pregnant

There can be days when it seems like your positive pregnancy test came with a list of restrictions a mile long. You go to the neighborhood deli to get some lunch and then realize that you have been told not to eat lunch meat. Ski season is just around the corner and you realize that you are going to have to sit this one out. Depending upon how far along you are in pregnancy and how your pregnancy is progressing, you may be even further restricted by bed rest and other activity limitations as you go along. Even on those … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Caterer

If your friends and family are constantly complimenting the meals and snacks that you prepare, you may be able to share your culinary skills with a larger audience by becoming a home – based caterer. There is always a demand for catering services and while owning and operating a catering business can be very demanding it can also be very rewarding. It’s also a great way to engage your creative talents. Before you get started on the fun part of designing your products and menus, write up a very thorough business plan to make sure that you have everything covered. … Continue reading

Organizing Your Non-Perishables

How is your pantry looking? I don’t have one but no matter where you store your cans and boxes, you might be looking at nothing more than a hot mess. The other day I blogged about organizing your spices so they are easily accessible. I mentioned how I had duplicates and sometimes several containers of the same spice. Well the same thing can happen with your non-perishables if you don’t have a good organizational system in place. You may be wasting money on items that you already have. Let’s start with your cans. It’s best to organize them by category. … Continue reading

Organizing Your Spices

I used to keep all my spices stacked in a cabinet. Needless to say it was difficult to find what I needed. Then one day I decided to clean out that cabinet and discovered I had purchased sometimes six of the same spice, simply because I didn’t know I already had it. There were lots of duplicates and some spices I didn’t realize I had. So my next strategy was to move the spices to a lower cabinet, which has a lazy Susan. I figured swiveling my spices around would make them easier to locate. But once again, I decided … Continue reading

Business Idea – Nutritionist

If you enjoy working with people and have a desire to help others, you could become a nutritionist. Eating right is something that can benefit everyone – men, women, and children. Your potential clients come in all shapes and sizes, from people who have been told by their doctors that their health is at risk from poor nutrition to people who want to look and feel their best. Let’s take a look at what a nutritionist does, how you can become one, and why a career as a nutritionist is a good fit for someone who wants to work from … Continue reading