Eliminating Strange Stains

My mother is the queen of stain removal thanks in large part to my second oldest brother who is the prince of stains. My mom gave birth to a brood of boys and salvaging their stained clothing became a full-time job when they entered elementary school. I remember one day when my brother came sauntering up to my mom while she was making dinner complaining about a smelly stain on his pants. Turns out the stain was from an alkaline battery that he was trying to deconstruct. Believe it or not, my mom was able to get the battery’s aqueous … Continue reading

A Clean Grill for Christmas

My best friend in Hawaii is cooking Christmas dinner for more than two-dozen guests. Fortunately, she’s getting help with the entrees from her husband who will be grilling a variety of different meats to feed the holiday crowd. However, since one grill is not enough to cook up all the menu items, she had to borrow another grill from her cousin. Unfortunately, that grill is caked with rust. After hearing about her pathetic tale I emailed her a list of solutions to her rust problems, including: Wire brush: A heavy-duty wire brush is the best tool to remove rust from … Continue reading

Grill Cleaning Tips

My neighbor has decided to grill his turkey this Thanksgiving. What a bonus for his wife. She’ll have the freedom to cook as many side dishes as she pleases in their oven while Tom the Bird gets grilled outside. Apparently, there are legions of grill fanatics who don’t bother to pack away their cook tops when the temperatures drop. If you are one of these diehards, then it’s important to keep your grill as clean as possible. I’m not a huge fan of the fancy schmancy, as seen on TV grill cleaning tools, such as the Grill Daddy Cleaning Tool; … Continue reading