Value in Taking Care of Your Home

How would you rate yourself as a homemaker? What do you think others in your home would say? You might consider evaluating yourself and having others do the same. Then you can give recognition to the strengths you have, yet consider some of the areas that could be worked on. I consider every area of my life to be important. Some of my roles include wife, mother, worker and friend. I take each of these areas seriously and I strive to be the best I can. But I also believe that my role in taking care of the home is … Continue reading

Books To Inspire Homemaking

I’m loving the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder these days. I have always loved them, and my copies show it. The Little House in the Big Woods book is quite close to falling apart. This time, I am reading them with my seven-year-old daughter. We tried this a couple of years ago, to very little interest. This time, she is enchanted, and it is lovely. No matter how tired we are before bed, we read an entire chapter. The simplicity and do-it-yourselfness of life back then is what is enchanting about these books, as are the close family … Continue reading

Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness?

Is it really true…is cleanliness next to godliness?  Well for some housekeepers it is!  I tend to have a mixed view on this. While I want a clean home, I don’t want it to feel untouchable.  And I certainly don’t want it to become more important than the relationships that happen inside. I really hate that when my children were younger, I oftentimes made them feel that the state of my home was more important than they were.  Obviously I never truly felt that way but it was the message I sent more times than not. Complaints were always coming … Continue reading

Hidden Dangers

Keeping a home is more than just making sure everything is in order and the laundry is caught up. It is about more than decorating and using the best cleaning products. It is also about safety. Did you know that your home has hidden dangers? Let’s look at where some of those dangers are lurking. How often do you clean out your lint trap in the dryer? You should do this every time you change a load. And you might want to take it a step further and vacuum out the filter chamber. A buildup of lint can lead to … Continue reading