Homemade Hand Sanitizer

The other day, I visited my best friend in the hospital. She had surgery for ruptured discs and although the operation went well, I still wanted to stop by and see her. We visited during my lunch hour then I left to go back to work. Once I got in the car, I realized I hadn’t washed my hands. I am probably not as fanatical about washing my hands as I probably should be, but for some reason, I always feel incredibly germy after leaving the hospital. I was afraid I’d stick my fingers in my mouth unconsciously, so I … Continue reading

Bad Housekeeping Habits

What is the biggest pet peeve you have when it comes to the housekeeping habits of others? Because let’s face it. There is probably something that others in our home do that we wish they wouldn’t do. For instance…I wish my family wouldn’t leave the empty cardboard tube on the paper towel holder. And instead they would throw it out and put a new roll on. I wish my family wouldn’t keep stuffing garbage into the can, when it is clearly starting to fall out, and instead see it needs to be taken out. I wish I wouldn’t go into … Continue reading

Keeping Your Car Safe and Clean

I just bought a new car and I’m a little obsessed with how to keep it clean. When I got rid of my old car I found that I have a hoarding problem, as clean as I thought my car was, there was a lot of stuff in there. I’m working on making some organizers to corral all that stuff but I’ve also come up with some rules to help keep it clean. No eating allowed in the car. I know it’s convenient to grab something and eat it on the way, especially when you are running late. The problem … Continue reading

How Did You Know?

Some women claim that they knew that they were pregnant at the precise moment that conception occurred. I am not one of them. With both of my pregnancies, I was none the wiser until almost two months along. With my first pregnancy, I first became suspicious when my husband and I went out to breakfast one day. I love the taste of coffee, but on that day I thought that my coffee tasted absolutely revolting. I asked my husband whether his coffee tasted funny and he said that it did not. Discussion turned to why I was all of a … Continue reading

Contact Lens Cases and Old Nylons- Oh My!

Another day of finding uses for things that tend to pile up around the house. Do you wear contacts? If you do you probably have more than a handful of the little lens cases. What can you do with them besides toss them out? Time to think outside of the box again. Here are a few things you can do with old contact lens cases. You can store small earrings in them when you are traveling or even just to keep them from getting lost in your jewelry box. Keep your ear plugs clean and close at hand in a … Continue reading

Command Central

Is your refrigerator the command center for your family? Are there business cards for the doctor, the plumber and the pizza deliver guy held up with little magnets? If your kids leave the house, do they put a note on the fridge? Are some of those notes older than you would care to admit? It may be time to clean the outside of the refrigerator. I’m pretty good about keeping the inside clean and it’s easy to tell when it needs it but somehow, I look past the jumble on the outside. I can’t count how many times I open … Continue reading

Housekeeping Then and Now

I was recently watching a show depicted in the times before we had electricity. It was interesting to think about how different housekeeping was back then. In order to get the most out of your day, you had to get up with the sun. That meant rising pretty early. And the work didn’t end until the sun went down. I was thinking about how even back then, women kept a schedule. They knew when their day would begin and when it would end. They scheduled their housekeeping according to the different seasons. But they also set aside certain tasks on … Continue reading

Greasy Messes and Expiration Dates

I spent Sunday spring cleaning the kitchen. For the most part, my kitchen is clean, or so I thought. There is always that tiny little space between the stove and the counter top where everything falls and the floor in there is a mess. The crumbs are easy but scrubbing up the greasy buildup in such a small area is really hard, I finally had to pull the stove out, then I found an even bigger mess. I was tempted to push it back! I used to use ammonia on grease, it worked like a charm with minimal scrubbing, but … Continue reading

The Future Is Now

Remember when Jane Jetson pushed some buttons on her family’s Food-a-Rac-a-Cycle and out popped a fully cooked meal? I was so jealous, in our house the only way you got food was to make it yourself, how terribly 1950’s of my mother. I always secretly wanted one of those machines, and finally, it looks like my dream may be coming true. Candace Nelson, founder of Sprinkles Cupcakes has invented one of the first, push button, food comes out machines, better knows as the Cupcake ATM. Now, if you live in Beverly Hills and you want a cupcake you can just … Continue reading

Fresh Air and Sunshine

I can’t seem to shake this cold. All the cleaning and disinfecting does not seem to be helping. Today I decided to let Mother Nature help get rid of the germs. It was sunny but still cold so I turned off the furnace, put on a coat and opened all the doors and windows. I left the house open for about ten minutes. Long enough to be able to feel the outside air moving around in the house and then I shut everything up. Already the house seems cleaner, fresher, like all the negative energy and germs have been blown … Continue reading