More Laundry Tips

In my quest to simplify most household tasks I’ve gotten the laundry room organized and running smoothly. My last post was about sorting laundry and doing a load every day to cut down on the enormity of the task. Today I have some tips and tricks I’ve collected that help make laundry even easier. *Instead of sorting and mating socks, trying to figure out if those white socks are your husbands or your teenagers, give each person a mess delicates laundry bag. Collect the bags once a week, zip closed, toss in the washer and dryer and then return to … Continue reading

Homemade Laundry Soap Revisited

As you may have noticed, I’m always looking to save money. Although I want a clean home and clean laundry, I don’t want to have to pay a fortune for the products to get it that way. I’ve tried just about everything, and now I’m trying the rest of the things. Laundry products are a big issue for me. First of all they come in huge plastic jugs. Yes, the plastic is recyclable but it’s even better to not bring it home. Then once you open that huge jug you are basically washing your clothes in a mix of chemicals. … Continue reading

Using Homemade Laundry Detergent

So I made laundry soap. I decided to make the powder instead of the liquid. I didn’t put essential oils in it because it smelled good already. Here is the recipe I used: 1 cup washing soda I cup borax I bar Fels Naptha soap grated I used and old coffee canister to store it in. First I grated in the soap, then added the washing soda and borax and stirred until it was all a finely mixed powder. I used about a tablespoon for a full load of laundry. I wasn’t able to hang the clothes outside because the … Continue reading

How Not To Do Laundry

My daughter just got a new job. I told her it’s her first “big girl” job, she has to dress nicely and now works in a cubicle with the rest of the world. It also means that now she is doing laundry that is a little different than her fast food restaurant uniform. When she got the job I took her out and bought her some business clothes, this child lives in jeans and t-shirts. She has a few skirts and sweaters but not enough, she needed some more grown up clothes. Fast forward just one week and she has … Continue reading

Are You Using the Right Laundry Detergent?

Remember when you could go to the store, roll down the laundry detergent aisle, grab one of three different brands of soap, and then go home confident that your clothes would get squeaky clean? These days, some stores have multiple aisles devoted to laundry detergent because a single aisle cannot possibly accommodate all of the different varieties. There was a time when I could pull a container of Tide off the shelf with my eyes closed and know I was getting the right soap, but now the brand has no less than a dozen different varieties, including: Original Tide, Tide … Continue reading

Liquid Laundry Detergent

I never use powder laundry detergent. While some people prefer powder over liquid laundry detergent because it typically lasts longer and costs less, I have never been a big fan. Interestingly, I recently learned that Wisk laundry detergent is considered by many as being the first-ever liquid laundry detergent marketed to the general public. Launched in 1956, Wisk was embraced by homemakers the world over. The detergent was popular from the get-go, but in 1974 sales went through the roof when the company launched it’s new ad campaign, which featured the highly successful “Ring Around the Collar” TV commercials and … Continue reading

What’s Your Favorite Laundry Detergent?

I have been a loyal liquid Tide user for decades. I prefer the scent of Gain, but Tide does the job, has a milder smell, and doesn’t cause my daughter’s eczema to flair. My mom used Tide to clean our clothes when I was a kid, so perhaps that’s where my brand loyalty originated. What’s your favorite laundry detergent? What’s more, what makes it your favorite? In addition to the fact that Tide gets my family’s clothes clean, I also appreciate that the company that markets the popular laundry detergent, Procter and Gamble, offers coupons Tide. Let’s face it; laundry … Continue reading

The Best Laundry Detergents for Baby Clothes

Washing your baby’s clothing separately from the laundry belonging to the rest of the family is a very good idea. Everyday soil, perfumes, body lotions, wool fibers and other additives and even clothing dyes from other clothing can get on your baby’s clothing during the washing process and can irritate young skin. Regular laundry detergents can also be an irritant. In my experience, certain brands of laundry detergent work better than others at cleaning baby clothes but remaining gentle on baby skin. Here are my picks. All Free and Clear This is the main laundry detergent I used for my … Continue reading

Guide to Six Laundry Bleaching Agents

When you are in the laundry aisle of the grocery store, do you automatically grab the same kind of bleach each time because bleach is bleach? In fact, there are several types of bleaching agents that can be used on clothing. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses and are more appropriate for some types of clothing than are others. Here is a guide to common and uncommon bleaching agents that are available right now. Chlorine Bleach Chlorine bleach is the old standby that we usually associate with whitening our whites. It is the strongest and fastest-acting bleaching agent … Continue reading

Emergency Laundry Detergent

There it is, at least three days until the next paycheck, and you find yourself with ten loads of laundry and no laundry detergent. What can you do besides going around naked? Here is how to get by, frugally, until you can stock up again. First, prioritize the clothes that need to get washed or else. Sure, you’d love to wear your favorite pair of jeans, but perhaps getting your husband’s underwear washed is more important, unless he can do without it. In an emergency, it usually perfectly fine to do one load of wash that combines different colors. Just … Continue reading