Cleaning Your Medicine Cabinet

My family has been packing for a trip to Texas. So it has required me to take more notice of things that need to be organized. We were trying to decide which medications to take, such as something for car sickness, ibuprofen, migraine and allergy medicine. But finding what I needed proved to be a challenge. That’s because I realized how completely disorganized my medicine cabinet was. And I ended up having to throw out items that were past their expiration date. So I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to clean it out. That required emptying it first. … Continue reading

Spot Cleaning the Bathroom

My least favorite room to clean is the bathroom. But you can make cleaning the bathroom easier by spot cleaning. Spot cleaning in the bathroom should be done as necessary but I also recommend light cleaning on a daily basis. If you do, you will find that it only becomes necessary to deep clean once-a-week. And you have the assurance that your bathroom is always ready for guests. To make spot cleaning easier, keep cleaning supplies in your bathroom. If you have to retrieve them from another room, you are more likely to forget or just skip it. For cleaning … Continue reading

Organization for a Half Bathroom

Our half bathroom, on the main floor gets a lot of use. It is one of the central hub of our home. The family, the kids’ friends, service people, even casual visitors wind up using it. Because of this, it has to be stocked with various items. from extra rolls of toilet paper and several hand towels, to band-aids and antiseptic, to tissues, combs and lotion. Not wanting to go all the way up or down the stairs, certain dirty clothing items, such as stray socks, hand towels and jackets wound up accumulating in the corner of the bathroom since … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning the Bathroom – Part 3

Do you feel that spring cleaning is in the air? This is the perfect time of the year to deep clean and organize those rooms. And today we are going to be focusing on the bathroom. Without maintaining the bathroom, it can quickly fall into bad shape. Depending on how badly your bathroom needs it, you may need to do a thorough scrub down. My advice is to start with the decluttering, with the most likely culprit to be the medicine cabinet. This is a great opportunity to go through and throw out expired or unused medicines. Be sure to … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Wednesdays

Today’s blog moves onto cleaning in 30 minutes or less on Wednesdays. By now I hope you understand that I am not trying to tell you what to clean and when. Instead, I want you to see how by spreading things out and picking the best days to do these chores, you are making it easier and quicker to clean. On Wednesdays I only do my quick wipe down in the kitchen because this is the day that I focus on deep cleaning my bathroom. Since it takes just a couple of minutes to do my kitchen routine, it leaves … Continue reading

Cleaning Your House in Less Than 30 Minutes

Did you know that in less than 30 minutes a day you can clean your house? I’m not talking about a deep cleaning. I’m talking about a surface cleaning and then time spent focusing on one room or task. Let me give you an example of how I do this. Let’s take Mondays. On Mondays I concentrate my effort into cleaning the kitchen. But I also make a sweep through our other main rooms to get them in order. It really does take me less than 30 minutes. I start by sweeping the kitchen floor (1 minute) and then I … Continue reading

Clean Out Your Cleaning Supplies

Part of housekeeping is making sure that your house is in order but if your cleaning supplies aren’t, then you just might be wasting space. Think of the number of products and tools you have bought over the years in order to make your job of cleaning easier or more efficient. Do you still use all of them? It’s a good idea to go through your cleaning supplies, products and tools to decide which ones are worth keeping. For instance, despite the fact that my house is 95% hardwood floors, I still keep a vacuum cleaner around. All that does … Continue reading

The Smell of Clean

I love the smell of clean but let’s face it…with a house filled with children and pets; it can be difficult to come by. Thankfully we don’t have carpeting because I truly believe that helps to keep out the “pet smell.” But it doesn’t matter…with three dogs, one cat, a bird, two bearded dragons, fish and a turtle…it takes a little work to keep my home smelling clean. If you have pets, the key is to keep your pets and their habitats clean. I know that sounds really simple but it makes a huge difference. As for your children, well … Continue reading

Maintaining a Clean Bathroom

In my last two blogs I covered the most difficult areas of the bathroom to clean, the sink and tub. While it is best to do a deep, thorough cleaning at least once-a-week, you should also maintain it on a daily basis. Maintaining a clean bathroom is not only sanitary but you will feel better about using it. You will also feel comfortable with others using it, whether it’s planned or surprise company that stops by. Maintaining a clean bathroom can be done with a few swipes. For me the most important areas are the mirror, sink, toilet and tub. … Continue reading

Cleaning the Bathroom Sink

In this blog we are moving onto the bathroom, probably one of the least favorite places to clean for most anyone. This is definitely one room that you should keep up with on a daily basis. It will not only keep it cleaner but it will be more sanitary. The sink can become one disgusting mess, especially if you have members of the family that don’t clean up after themselves. There is nothing more revolting to me than going to brush my teeth and seeing clumps of dried toothpaste or mustache hair in the sink. So this is an area … Continue reading