Laundry Tips

You know how they say that the dryer eats socks? I really believe this is true. How else do you explain your son putting his track clothes into the washer, you transferring them to the dryer and then the next morning when pulling them out, finding that one sock is missing? This wasn’t a big load and it didn’t fall next to the washer or dryer. So it is a mystery that will probably never be solved. I remember this being a much bigger issue when my three children were small. Trying to find socks that match and stayed with … Continue reading

Trying To Catch Up

Ever feel like if you could just get one more hour in the day you might be able to get it all done? I feel that way most days and it’s usually the housework that is the biggest time sucker. I try to be organized, I try to have a routine for everything but sometimes that routine gets thrown off. This past weekend my niece got married. It was a beautiful wedding. It also sucked up most of my weekend. We had the rehearsal dinner on Friday night, and then when I got home I had three different kinds of … Continue reading

Organize Your Clothes Each Season

Closets are a common area to get cluttered, especially when we store things in it that don’t really belong. And clothes can be a real source of your problem. If you live in a state like mine, Wisconsin, you get to experience all kinds of weather. For the most part you can count on needing sweaters or light jackets during the fall and spring months, heavier jackets and long-sleeved shirts in the winter, along with tank tops and shorts in the summer. So when you live in a state that provides different opportunities in dress, you might find your closet … Continue reading

How to Make Your Dryer More Efficient

Dryer efficiency hasn’t changed too much over the years. While a few improvements have been made, they are nothing compared to the efficiency of washers, for example. Still, there are number of things that you can do at home that will make your dryer more efficient, and don’t worry, none of them void the warranty. Before You Dry You can do a lot to to reduce the amount of time needed by your dryer. The lower the dry time (and the heat), the more energy and money you will save. So the goal here is to get the clothing as … Continue reading

Creating a Daily Chore List

Some people find housekeeping therapeutic and others would like to avoid it at any cost. I tend to be one of those that equate it to therapy because I feel so much better when things are cleaned up and put away. But what has really helped is my daily chore list. I know that some people like to do their chores whenever they get to them, or an entire evening may be set aside. Some people take advantage of the weekend and use that as a time to catch up. Personally, I don’t like to spend hours of my time … Continue reading

Clean Out Your Cleaning Supplies

Part of housekeeping is making sure that your house is in order but if your cleaning supplies aren’t, then you just might be wasting space. Think of the number of products and tools you have bought over the years in order to make your job of cleaning easier or more efficient. Do you still use all of them? It’s a good idea to go through your cleaning supplies, products and tools to decide which ones are worth keeping. For instance, despite the fact that my house is 95% hardwood floors, I still keep a vacuum cleaner around. All that does … Continue reading

The Smell of Clean

I love the smell of clean but let’s face it…with a house filled with children and pets; it can be difficult to come by. Thankfully we don’t have carpeting because I truly believe that helps to keep out the “pet smell.” But it doesn’t matter…with three dogs, one cat, a bird, two bearded dragons, fish and a turtle…it takes a little work to keep my home smelling clean. If you have pets, the key is to keep your pets and their habitats clean. I know that sounds really simple but it makes a huge difference. As for your children, well … Continue reading

Nothing Like Line Drying Your Laundry

Looking to save some money this summer? Try putting your laundry outside on a line. Not only will you save money but you will enjoy the benefit of the fresh outdoor smell. One of my most favorite items to dry outside is my down feather comforter. There is nothing like slipping into bed with the smell of freshness permeating all around me. It may sound old-fashioned to dry your clothes on the line. I have childhood memories of my neighbor wearing her apron with clothespins clipped all around. I would watch her take her time in putting the clothes up … Continue reading