Reusing Household Items- Aluminum Foil

Today though I’m looking at ways to recycle, as usual. I can’t stand the amount of waste that is generated so I’m doing everything I can to reduce it. Right now I’m down to putting out the garbage cans only once a month, I would like to do even better. There are some families that have almost zero waste, I don’t know if that is achievable for me, but I’d like to try. Did you know it will take 400 years for aluminum foil to break down in a landfill? I’ve always tried to reuse aluminum foil. I will wash … Continue reading

Zero Waste

Several times a week, we haul out trash. We never really think much about it; we put things in the trash can, tie up the bag, haul it to the garbage can, and put it out on the curb every Tuesday like clockwork. But, what if we lived in a world of zero waste? Impossible you say? Well, yes, maybe, but the Johnson family of Mill Valley, California is trying to come close. Did you know that the average American family disposes of over 1,000 pounds of trash each year? One day in 2006, Bea Johnson announced to her husband … Continue reading

So Much Trash

I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of trash that is generated on Christmas day. As a rule we are pretty good about reducing, reusing and recycling but Christmas comes and all our good intentions fly right out the window. Every Christmas I try to reduce the amount of trash, not only to save the planet but to save money and the amount of time it takes me to clean up after such a crazy day. I always save gift boxes from year to year, I never buy gift tags, there is always plenty of paper around the house … Continue reading

Newer is Not Always Better

If it seems like some of your small appliances do not last as long as the ones that you remember your parents having, or even the ones that you had for years before you bought those shiny new replacements, you are probably right. It is true that at least for some items, they really do not build them like they used to. If you are lucky enough to have some of these items in your attic (or basement), you may want to give them a second chance before getting rid of them and buying a newer model. Furniture is one … Continue reading

National Recycle the Refrigerator Day?

It seems there is a day for everything! Today is a two-fer and both will help you get your house cleaned. It is America Recycles Day and National Clean out your Refrigerator Day. Talk about double duty! Just in time to fill the fridge with Thanksgiving goodies. Go and ruthlessly toss those random containers in your fridge. Since we are also recycling today, see if you can recycle any of those leftovers into a meal for tonight. Kill two birds with one stone, the fridge gets clean and dinner is a breeze. Don’t go crazy cleaning the fridge since next … Continue reading