Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 3}

In, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed the background information you need before starting a blog that has the potential of earning you a profit.  If you missed those two posts, please take time to read them as blogs without a proper foundation do not earn profits. Not all profits can strictly financial but we all want to know now to earn cold hard cash.  There is no easy answer but there are avenues you can take to drive your blog to the bank. Here are some of the most popular ways to … Continue reading

Create Some Routines

You spend so much time cleaning your house. Every weekend, every where in the world, people are wasting precious weekend time cleaning. This defeats the purpose of a weekend, a weekend should be for family and relaxation, instead we find ourselves scrubbing toilets. The way to break this pattern is with routines. Once your house is clean just a little maintenance here and there will keep it that way so you don’t have to waste your weekend. Develop a routine for your morning. Mornings are hectic so if you don’t have a routine down it won’t get done. Think of … Continue reading

Need Help Sorting Heirlooms From Trash?

Many genealogists can rattle off a list of the most important heirlooms that have been passed down in their family from one generation to the next. It isn’t so easy to make decisions about the importance of items stored in your basement, or in your relative’s attic. There is at least one company that can help you sort those things. Family heirlooms are a treasure. Part of what makes them so special is that they are tangible. It is nice to hear stories about how your great-great grandmother used to cook wonderful family dinners using a particular cooking pot. It … Continue reading

So Much Trash

I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of trash that is generated on Christmas day. As a rule we are pretty good about reducing, reusing and recycling but Christmas comes and all our good intentions fly right out the window. Every Christmas I try to reduce the amount of trash, not only to save the planet but to save money and the amount of time it takes me to clean up after such a crazy day. I always save gift boxes from year to year, I never buy gift tags, there is always plenty of paper around the house … Continue reading

Would You Use a Trash Bag for Luggage?

How would you feel if when you were moving you had to pack your worldly belongings in a black trash bag? This is a reality for too many kids in foster care. They do not get to keep the toys they played with in the foster home. They don’t get to bring their favorite books. If there were other children in their home they may lose the only friend that have when they change homes. Then the few clothes they do get to bring are way too often loaded in trash bags to bring to their new home. How would … Continue reading

Society’s Perception: Moms vs. Dads

So much has been said and written about author Rahna Reiko Rizzuto’s decision to give up primary physical custody of her kids, so she could move to Japan to pursue her career—–most of it is far from flattering. Actually, most of it is scathing. In her book, “Hiroshima in the Morning,” Rizzuto explains why she “didn’t want to be a mother” anymore and what precipitated her decision to leave her husband and two young kids, so she could interview atomic bomb survivors in Japan. According to Rizzuto, she left her family for four months in order to complete research for … Continue reading

Trash Talk

Trash talk is the topic of today’s article. I’m looking at it in two different ways. One thing that was re-enforced to me with Mick sick all this week is that I don’t like putting the trash out. I don’t mind the paper and recycling bin so much, but dealing with all the other garbage and accompanying smells nearly makes me feel ill. It just makes me so grateful that he is the one who usually does this job. Early in a marriage it’s good to decide who does what jobs. Mick doesn’t worry about putting the trash out but … Continue reading

Solutions to Dissatisfaction

One of the things you can do regarding being more satisfied with life and your marriage is being grateful. No matter how bad your situation is it could always be worse. Last night I was listening to the wind raging outside and the rain lashing the windows, I was tempted to moan about the rain. Then as I lay there awake, I thought how much I had to be grateful for. I was in a warm bed curled up next to my husband with a roof over my head that despite the fury of the storm outside showed no signs … Continue reading

Janet Jackson Dons Fur and Architect Firm Has Plans for Trash

Janet Jackson has signed on as the new face of the Blackglama fur label. She will appear in the new “What Become a Legend Most” wearing a fur, joining other legends such as Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, Liza Minelli, Judy Garland, Lena Horne, and Sophia Loren who had previously appeared in the ad. But, her new job isn’t making her a lot of friends – at least among the animal activists. Pamela Anderson told Out magazine that she was disappointed that Jackson chose to do this ad. “She has spoken out against fur before. I don’t know why some people … Continue reading

The Best Green Intentions Can Sometimes Go Awry

So much of green living seems to be a fad or at least tied up with marketing. For example, you can buy organic disposable diapers. Hmm, why not use cloth diapers instead? Although as Colin Beaven, the No Impact Man wrote in his book, “I have to choose between the “angel twist, the ‘newspaper fold,’ the ‘reverse newspaper fold’; the ‘thigh fold,’ and on and one. All I want to do is contain my child’s poop, but apparently I’m learning origami.” And yes, cloth diapers can still have an impact on the environment. We can also buy organic cleaners that … Continue reading