Spring Closet Cleaning

Where do I sign up for a HGTV cleaning pro to come to my house and revamp my closet? I need someone to help me deep-clean and organize my walk-in. Sabrina Soto… Vern Yip… Genevieve Gorder … PLEASE!! Actually, my closet is not dirty, but it could use some restructuring. I am blessed to have a fairly large closet, but I know I am not using the space as effectively as I could be. I’ve taken stabs at trying to organize my bedroom closet. Some have worked better than others. The winners are: Seasonal Rotation If space is exceptionally tight, … Continue reading

Cleaning Cabinets

I’ve always dreamed of having specialty cabinets with glass inserts throughout my kitchen. Then, I open my wood ones and reality sets in. For starters, I don’t own pretty china and I would have to seriously overhaul my methods of organization (or lack thereof) given that all my house guests would be able to see the guts of my cabinets if I had the glass inserts installed. Cleaning and organizing kitchen cabinets is no easy task, especially if you have collected a number of dishes and accessories over the years. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to make … Continue reading

Cleaning Dryer Vents

Last week my washing machine died. The agitator went belly up, but that wasn’t the worst of it. When the fix-it guy came over, he accidently ripped the dryer vent hose. Needless to say, I had a ton of cleaning to do when he left. Unlike some homeowners, who have their laundry rooms in the basement, we have ours on the main floor. This means that the dryer vent lines snake around the interior walls and often gets clogged with lint. When the mechanic went to fix the dryer vent he also helped clear the line and gave me some … Continue reading

Spice Up Your Cleaning Routine

Cleaning and Christmas seem to go hand in hand, at least if you ask the moms I chat with in the lobby of my daughter’s school in the minutes before the dismissal bell rings. You’ve never heard so much commiserating about collective cleaning routines, or lack thereof, or lack of time to implement thereof. A few of us joke about ways to multi-task while we dust, mop and fold laundry. One mom shared a great tip: she places all her long-distance calls to friends or family members while she does the laundry or dishes. By talking on a hands-free device … Continue reading

Have Fun with Holiday Cleaning

Thanksgiving guests are gone, but the beginning of December ushers in a new round of house cleaning chores, especially if you are hosting Christmas at your chalet. While most homeowners dread the drudgery of getting their house in order for additional guests, cleaning can be fun if you incorporate the following suggestions: Rock Out: Turn up the volume on your favorite music and get cleaning. Or, put on some classical or Christmas music and sway in time to the beat as you dust, mop or scrub sinks. Feel the Burn: Instead of looking at house cleaning as a chore, look … Continue reading

Cleaning Your Coffee Maker

Coffeemakers require special attention and they must be well taken care of if they are to continue to provide the wonderful eye-opening and delicious liquid that they are conditioned to produce from the time they are baby coffee makers. No matter what kind of coffee maker you own or how many, these tips will help you keep them happy. Consider them, if you dare. Aluminum Percolators Aluminum percolators are not fond of bleach and shun its presence in their insides. Bleach really doesn’t work well with anything made of aluminum and plain old H20 and some spice is much more … Continue reading

Fun Christmas Bling

Who can resist a bit of bling around the holidays? I am not a flashy person, but when I saw Martha Stewart’s latest Christmas creation I stopped dead in my tracks. I actually turned off my vacuum and turned all of my attention to the TV where a tree bedazzled with dozens of shiny beaded ornaments and garland stood like a beacon of beaded glory. There’s no way I have the time, talent or budget to recreate Martha’s beaded masterpieces; however, I did some research online and found a few cheaper and affordable alternatives that can be made by people … Continue reading

Washing Blankets

Washing blankets and quilts can be an interesting exercise. Many washing machines are not designed to take more than one blanket at a time so washing blankets and quilts can be a time consuming process, especially if you or your spouse is one of those people who is a blanket snuggler and likes two or three blankets on top of them at night. The blanket situation is not such a major hassle in our house. For starters, I have a large washing machine. Secondly, we rarely have a blanket on the bed. In winter we will have a quilt on … Continue reading

Embracing and Fostering Spontaneity in Family Life

There is a difference between spontaneity and chaos—it took me a few years of family life to really understand this difference. Having led a reasonably orderly life prior to having children, the immediate chaos of life with kids was a bit overwhelming. Scheduling and organization became my best friends as I struggled to get control of my new life. However, over the years, I’ve learned that balance is a good thing and even the most organized families need some spontaneity for good measure. The other night, my middle daughter and I were heading downtown for a free community concert. Halfway … Continue reading

Creative Celebrations: Homeschool Activities for August

It’s fun to add a little spice to your curriculum and daily routine by celebrating unusual events and holidays. In July we celebrated great things like National Blueberry Month, and National Ice cream Day. . .did you try any of the recipes? Here is now the second installment of my home schooling activity calendar. Peruse through to find interesting facts, unusual holidays to celebrate and even better: ideas, links and activities to go with these special days! I would also like to invite those of you who are adventurous souls, to post pictures on your site of you and your … Continue reading