Cleaning Your Medicine Cabinet

My family has been packing for a trip to Texas. So it has required me to take more notice of things that need to be organized. We were trying to decide which medications to take, such as something for car sickness, ibuprofen, migraine and allergy medicine. But finding what I needed proved to be a challenge. That’s because I realized how completely disorganized my medicine cabinet was. And I ended up having to throw out items that were past their expiration date. So I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to clean it out. That required emptying it first. … Continue reading

Spot Cleaning the Bathroom

My least favorite room to clean is the bathroom. But you can make cleaning the bathroom easier by spot cleaning. Spot cleaning in the bathroom should be done as necessary but I also recommend light cleaning on a daily basis. If you do, you will find that it only becomes necessary to deep clean once-a-week. And you have the assurance that your bathroom is always ready for guests. To make spot cleaning easier, keep cleaning supplies in your bathroom. If you have to retrieve them from another room, you are more likely to forget or just skip it. For cleaning … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning the Kitchen – Part 4

It’s time to do some spring cleaning in the kitchen. Start off by removing as many items as you can, including those things you keep on your countertops. Take out the table, chairs, microwave and so on. The more you are able to remove from the room, the easier your cleaning will be. Dust the ceiling and corners of the walls. Spot wash walls, doorknobs, outside of cabinets, switch plates, vents, etc. If you are dealing with grease or grime—especially around your stove—you may need a special cleaner. Dust or use a slightly damp cloth to clean wall hangings. Dust … Continue reading

Cleaning Supplies as a Gift Idea

Do you know someone who is moving into a new home? Perhaps it is your child’s first apartment. Or you know of a couple who is getting married and will be starting off fresh. It might not sound like the greatest gift idea but putting together a housekeeping basket might be just what they need. Think about what it’s like to start off with nothing. You have dishes to buy, linens and the list goes on. So what are some basic cleaning supplies that can be assembled into a basket? Here are some ideas. Dusting Supplies – microfiber cloths (my … Continue reading

Cleaning For Company

It’s time for holiday guests. As much as I would like my house to be spotless when my guests arrive I know that working full time makes a spotless house something of a fantasy. Instead I’ve learned to make it good enough. If you are having company that will sit in the living room and visit, is it really necessary to wipe down the refrigerator shelves? I think not. Here is my quickie list to get ready for company when I don’t have time to deep clean. *Shut the doors to all rooms and closets your guests will not see. … Continue reading

Cleaning the Bathroom Sink

In this blog we are moving onto the bathroom, probably one of the least favorite places to clean for most anyone. This is definitely one room that you should keep up with on a daily basis. It will not only keep it cleaner but it will be more sanitary. The sink can become one disgusting mess, especially if you have members of the family that don’t clean up after themselves. There is nothing more revolting to me than going to brush my teeth and seeing clumps of dried toothpaste or mustache hair in the sink. So this is an area … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning: Rugs

I could have easily spent the day on my porch pounding a winter’s worth of dust and debris from my kitchen and bathroom rugs… if it weren’t for the fact that we were pummeled with more than 14 inches of snow last night. Oh, and did I mention the 38 mph winds? So much for spring, but what can you expect living in Wisconsin. Part of my spring cleaning ritual is deep cleaning all of the rugs I have placed around the house. Some homeowners swap out rugs at the end of each season. However, my decor is very simple, … Continue reading

Cleaning Mildew on a Budget

Popular commercial mildew cleaners don’t come cheap. What’s more, when you are battling a severe mildew problem you will often need more than just one container of cleaner to get the job done. If you are strapped for cash, but need to get rid of mildew in a hurry, then consider looking around your home for pantry products that can help you eliminate nasty mildew stains on the spot. Some of the most effective homemade mildew removers cost only pennies to make. For example, if mildew has infiltrated your washing machine then add a cup of Borax to your next … Continue reading

Deep-Clean Your Bathroom

Don’t wait for spring to deep-clean your bathrooms. During the winter months, when homes are locked up tight to keep the cold air out, mold and mildew can wreck havoc on your tile, showers, counters and faucets. If your bathroom has a musty smell, then you likely have a mold problem and need to address it right away. Most people wait for telltale black spots before they worry that they have a mold problem. However, mold comes in a variety of colors, including brown and pink. Pink mold is prevalent in grout, showers and even in the toilet if you … Continue reading

Home Chore List: Weekly Cleaning Chores (1)

Ready for your weekly cleaning chore list? Saturday is a good day to review this, since it may give you time to get started and see what you need to do. Most people tend to make Saturdays their big cleaning day. Remember that this is only a guideline. It is okay to tweak it a bit to make it fit for your family. Me, I like to try and spread the tasks out throughout the week, if I can, to leave the weekends free for family adventures. I find that tackling one or two weekly tasks on a set day … Continue reading