Spring Cleaning The Files

In the middle of all this spring cleaning don’t forget your home office and all the paperwork that accumulates in there. I try to clean my files at tax time, save what I need and purge what I don’t. Even with the best of intentions the filing cabinet is still busting at the seams before I know it. To really clean things out and get a handle on the paper mess you should have a good shredder and a fireproof box. A bank safety deposit box is great for storing important documents but you can’t always get to them when … Continue reading

Cleaning your Hard Drive Part 1

“Oh my gosh! My hard drive is full and I am almost out of storage space!” This is one of those thoughts that kick me into “spring cleaning for my computer” mode. If you need room to download those wedding pictures or digital movie you filmed or you just need to clear out some of the clutter so that you can defragment (as explained in this article) I will show you three quick ways to clean up your hard drive some. Delete anything you don’t need to save. This is sort of like throwing out old post-its, memos, images you … Continue reading

Clutter Control Freak Part 1

You would think that as much as I write about clutter and organizing that my house would be perfect. No clutter anywhere, a place for everything and everything in it’s place, but sadly, that’s not the case. Human beings live in my home so things do always make it back to where they should be. I do, however, strongly dislike clutter. It makes me nuts. I think part of it is because I’m a control freak and since there are so many things I can’t control, the clutter in my house needs to be controlled. I have a friend who … Continue reading

Does Your Filing System Really Work?

I’ve always been proud of how organized I am, you might even say I’ve been cocky about it. Paperwork comes into my house and it is immediately filed, most of the time. I brag that I can lay my hands on anything you want in under five minutes. I really thought my filing system was working. Probably because other than tax paperwork I haven’t needed anything in my filing cabinet in a while. I have a system, a good system that made sense to me, other people might not understand it but I thought I did. Until Hailey’s accident and … Continue reading

Unhealthy Obsessions: Me and My Computer

I have come to the conclusion that I am really obsessed with my computer, and the Internet. As I already covered earlier, I have found that I always seem to have multiple programs going at the same time: iTunes, Bloglines, Gmail, and lots of documents everywhere–finished blogs I need to post, halfway finished ones I need to polish, and then ones that only have the idea typed across the top (“Need to talk about how to deal with an insane boss”–something I’ve had to deal with way too often lately.) On a particularly crazy day, I had twelve documents open … Continue reading