Spring Cleaning the Bedroom – Part 5

When you walk into your bedroom, do you feel like you have entered a sanctuary? Or does it feel more like chaos, with stuff all over the place? Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to make your bedroom what it should be, a place that you can feel comfortable entering at the end of a long day. It should be a place where you can receive a good night’s rest. Clutter and chaos take away from that. As I have been sharing in my other spring cleaning blogs, the best way to tackle any room is to clear it out … Continue reading

Itching For Spring

We have had such a mild winter that I’m already in spring cleaning mode. The fact that my daughter is getting married in May and we are having a bridal shower at my house in April may have something to do with it. Because I’m a procrastinator I spent some time on the internet looking for the fastest and easiest ways to deep clean my house. There were no magic tricks available but there was lots of advice. The first thing I read is when you set out to do a deep clean, make sure that is what you are … Continue reading

Spring Clean Your Scrapbook Space

Have you seen the viral video featuring the woman who lives in a 90-square-foot studio in Manhattan? Sure, it’s located across from Lincoln Center and a block from Central Park, but the place is smaller than most suburban bedroom closets. Lucky for her, she’s a professional organizer and her dad’s a bankruptcy attorney, so she knows how to make do with few things, and the items she does have are perfectly placed throughout the tiny apartment. Her story got me thinking about spring cleaning my scrapbook space. Sadly, my little scrapbooking nook is about the same size as the woman’s … Continue reading

Spring Organization

Given how incredibly horrific the weather has been around here, there is no way I can possibly get my spring outdoor chores done right now. So much for cleaning gutters, sprucing up siding and picking up stray items from the yard; the 18 inches of snow that fell last week has put the kibosh on outdoor spring cleaning for at least another 10-14 days. In the meantime, I have been trying to deep clean the inside of my home, including reorganizing my craft space. I am not fortunate to have an entire room dedicated to crafting; rather, I have a … Continue reading

Cleaning Out Your Closets

Changing of the seasons means more than just warm, sunny weather ahead. It means spring cleaning, including cleaning out the closets. Ugh. Depending on how big your family is this could take a great amount of time, so get moving. When sifting through the closets have your child nearby. You may need him or her to try things on. As you weed through each pair of pants, each shirt, each coat, the shoes and nighttime clothing decide which things may fit next year. Have a large storage container and box or garbage bag close at hand. If the clothing or … Continue reading

Spring Closet Cleaning

Where do I sign up for a HGTV cleaning pro to come to my house and revamp my closet? I need someone to help me deep-clean and organize my walk-in. Sabrina Soto… Vern Yip… Genevieve Gorder … PLEASE!! Actually, my closet is not dirty, but it could use some restructuring. I am blessed to have a fairly large closet, but I know I am not using the space as effectively as I could be. I’ve taken stabs at trying to organize my bedroom closet. Some have worked better than others. The winners are: Seasonal Rotation If space is exceptionally tight, … Continue reading

The Gift of Professional Cleaning

Forget the Dyson; I now have a new Christmas wish gift-—a maid. My BFF got the best Christmas present yesterday: six months’ worth of professional housecleaning services. She is entitled to five regular cleanings and one heavy seasonal cleaning, which includes: Dusting corners, ceilings, and walls, including photo frames and artwork Cleaning windows, window screens, and window treatments Scrubbing interiors and exteriors of kitchen cupboards and drawers Cleaning ceiling fans, light fixtures, and vents Cleaning the oven, microwave, and dishwasher Shampooing rugs, carpets, and upholstery Talk about the gift that keeps on giving. I have never dreamed of asking for … Continue reading

Fall Closet Cleaning

I love cleaning closets. I just hate how long it takes. Last week I spent five hours cleaning out my young daughter’s closet. Granted, I hadn’t been in there to thoroughly clean and organize since late spring when I packed away her winter gear and got out her summer outfits. Still, five hours was much longer than I had anticipated the job would take, and it gave me incentive to tackle the chore on a regular basis rather than reserve it for fall and spring only. There are many advantages to cleaning and organizing a closet regularly. For starters, it … Continue reading

Tips for Organizing Your Closet

If your clothes closet is bursting with clothes, shoes and accessories, then it is probably time to organize your closet. Asking yourself one simple question can make a closet cleanup easier than you might think. When you first take a look at your closet, you may find some things that you obviously don’t want. Make these items, such as broken shoes or torn clothing your first task. The rest of your closet may prove a little more difficult. Most people tend to hold on to things past their useful life. Clothing can carry associations and memories, and we sometimes wonder … Continue reading

Letting Spring into Your Home and Your Life

When the season changes and becomes spring, it is an opportunity to let new things into your home and into your life. Here are some ways to bring a sense of renewal to the place where you live. Your whole family will notice the difference. The first place to start is to open the windows and let all of air fresh spring air into home. It is a great way to welcome the new time and will help you physically and emotionally, not to mention airing our your home and releasing all of the stale smells. Next bring some more … Continue reading