Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Tis the season, for coughing, sneezing, runny noses, tummy aches and any other kind of germ your kids can drag home. It’s no fun to be sick for the holidays but in my house it seems like someone always is. Maybe it’s because we are spending more time in crowded shopping centers and malls, maybe it’s because we are exposed to more germs at all the holiday parties we attend or maybe germs just like us better during the holidays. Whatever the reason, we need to do what we can to fend off illness so everyone can enjoy the holidays. … Continue reading

When Kids Feel They Have to Choose for the Holidays

Since my separation and divorce, I have worked hard to make sure that my kids didn’t feel like they needed or had to choose between families and houses. Now that my children are getting older and have more of a say in things, I can see that they are trying to maneuver between choices—family, friends, etc. and some of those choices are quite difficult. It really makes me feel for children who often feel like they have to choose between families! I even try to invite my children’s “other” family to my house when things seem to get sticky. This … Continue reading

Getting Enough Rest Over the Holidays

The holiday season is here again. This time of year is very busy with shopping, parties and visits from family. It’s exhausting for all of us, but it’s even worse for tired pregnant women. Try not to wear yourself out with all your holiday obligations. Shopping during the holiday season is crazy. The stores are often filled with other shoppers. Some of these people are very rude. I remember when I was pregnant with my first baby. My husband and I had gone to the mall to buy gifts for family. We decided to split up and get gifts for … Continue reading

Ways to Survive the Holidays While Dieting

During the holiday seasons, most people completely blow the diet. The reason is the wonderful food and huge quantities that are constantly shoved in our faces. Holidays are definitely a time of year when every event is designed around food. Although a little bit is a great thing, too much can cause you to regain everything you worked so hard to lose. Therefore, to survive this holiday season without packing on the pounds, we have pulled some helpful tips together. For starters, many people go out to eat during the holidays. If you are among those, take time to call … Continue reading

Fitting in Fitness

This year is the first year that I have all three kids in school. My youngest just started kindergarten. My oldest just started middle school. Because of the different start times and end times, I have about a two-and-a-half hour window with no kids at all in the house. (I do have to visit the bus stop five times a day, but that is another story.) The first week, I wasn’t sure what I would do with myself. The freedom! I had dreams of being able to take a shower without being interrupted, or reading part of a book or … Continue reading

I Don’t Have Time for This!

Being sick during the holidays is miserable. There is always so much to do and not enough time to do it in. Then to throw in being sick on top of it, well, it isn’t pretty. This year I made it until the day after Christmas. Unfortunately, that is the time I had so much to do; cleaning the house, finding a home for all the new toys, taking down the Christmas decorations, getting the house ready for New Year’s Eve festivities. Not to mention all the regular motherly duties, like the cooking and cleaning, the laundry and making sure … Continue reading

Hotel Tips: Preserving Your Health, Back and Wallet

In a previous blog I shared a tip I learned from travel expert Peter Greenberg (the Today show’s travel editor). It had to do with staying healthy at hotels. Greenberg suggests rinsing the bathroom glasses in hot water for at least three minutes in case a housekeeper was short on time and didn’t replace the ones left from the last guest. The tip itself is handy, though it does make you wonder about the types of living conditions travelers expose themselves to during hotel stays. Not that you need to arm yourself with gloves and a face mask to ward … Continue reading

I’m Too Busy to Diet!

Nonsense! You can still lose weight while maintaining a busy life. It can be done. I’ve been there. I did it. Here are a few tips on how to trim down without having to give up all the fun and convenience. First of all, eat breakfast! If you don’t think you’ll have time for breakfast, consider a meal replacement bar or drink that is well balanced in protein, carbohydrates and fats. Try a Zone Bar or one of the newer Slim Fast shakes that has a lower carbohydrate content and a higher protein content (think Ultima or Low-Carb). Next, if … Continue reading