Taming Chore Wars

When it comes to handing out chores and dividing up housework, we are usually pretty arbitrary about it. Usually Mom makes a list of jobs and starts assigning, this is destined to fail. A better idea is to make a list, a real list, not just clean the bathroom, pick up your room, help with dishes. A list of everything that needs to be done. There are things that need to be done once a day, once a week and once a month, all of these need to go on the list. Once you have your list sit down as … Continue reading

Teach Your Children Before It’s Too Late

We all have things we wish we would have done differently., especially when it comes to raising our children. If I could do things over again I would have made Hailey do more chores, take more responsibility around the house. When I became a single parent it just seemed easier to do things myself. The time it would take to teach Hailey was time we could spend doing something we enjoyed, so I didn’t teach her. Now she is an adult and is missing some very important life skills. If you think it’s hard to teach a ten year old … Continue reading

Holding Toys For Ransom

How do you get your kids to pick up after themselves? In my house it was always a battle. Hailey seemed to think that I was put on this earth to pick up after her. Nothing I tried worked, I begged, threatened, even threw toys away when she wasn’t looking. Still the floor was a Barbie minefield. Recently I saw the bin in the picture above on Pinterest. The idea behind it is if Mom has to do your chore by picking up your toys, then you have to do a chore for Mom to get them back. Now, we … Continue reading