The Benefits of Lists

Housekeeping is about more than just the best household products and tips on how to better clean a room. Housekeeping is about keeping your house in order and what better way to do that than finding an organizational system that works for you. I am amazed at the majority of people who push their carts through grocery stores, wandering aimlessly and grabbing whatever they think they need. Rarely do I see someone with a list. Sometimes I feel a little odd, with my list and pen in hand. But at the same time I feel a sense of triumph in … Continue reading

The Benefits of Having a Work-Day Routine

As I prepared for the birth of my son last November, I was on bed rest and had some time on my hands. I spent a lot of time reading about various parenting strategies and thinking about what I would do with my son, and how I would find work as a stay at home mom. For some reason, I decided that I would be one of those go with the flow type of parents that did not have a rigid daily schedule for feedings, naps, and the like. I thought that doing things that way would be the best … Continue reading

Potential Medical Benefits and Risks of Male Circumcision

Now that we have talked about a general overview of the pros and cons of circumcision in male infants, let’s dig a little deeper and get into some of the actual medical benefits and risks of the procedure, a sort of doctor’s version of the pros and cons. We’ll talk a little more about things such as urinary tract infection and complications related to the procedure. If you read the previous post on this issue, you’ll see that I was very right about this being a controversial subject (you already knew it was). As I commented on that post, The … Continue reading

Frugal Friends are Priceless

If you surround yourself with frugal friends, saving money will be easy. Yesterday, after the town parade and free hot dogs and games, my family headed over to an area attraction that was sponsoring free admission for the day. The promotion wasn’t widely advertised. It wasn’t mentioned on the website or put on any community calendars, so not too many people knew about it. Thanks to a faithful frugal friend, though, who alerted me to the event, my family of five was able to enjoy the afternoon, which included a free tour, a narrated tram ride, and time in “the … Continue reading

Love Between the Pages

… or sheets… or blankets… or flannel footie jammies. There’s no better excuse to snuggle up with your child than storytime.  And there’s no better type of book to curl up with as we countdown to Valentine’s Day than a love-themed read. As February 14th nears, consider cuddling up with your little sweetie and embracing these kid-friendly Love Day titles: Splat the Cat:  Funny Valentine The black furball with a heart of gold is at it again.  Splat wants to give his teacher a special Valentine’s gift and enlists the help of his friends to execute his plan, but will … Continue reading

California Genealogy Resources

Searching for information about ancestors who lived in California? There are a lot of genealogy resources out there that can help you. They are scattered across the internet on a bunch of different websites. Here is a quick list of some California genealogy resources, all in one place. has a database that lists all of their collections of California genealogy records. If you have a membership at, then you will be able to access all of the collections. If you don’t, then you are restricted to the few that are being offered for free. Make sure to return … Continue reading

Basic Information About Medicaid in Florida

Medicaid is a program that provides health insurance coverage to people who are low-income. In Florida, the Medicaid program is administered by the Agency for Health Care Administration. A warning about Medicaid fraud, in bright red text, appears at the top of the website where people apply for Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low-income and who cannot afford to buy health insurance from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded by the federal government. It is also funded … Continue reading

Quick Tips For A Happy Work Day

If your home – based business or job has begun to feel like the daily office grind that you thought that you were escaping when you made the switch to working at home, do not despair. It is inevitable that there will be days when your workday is less than stellar. That said, there are a few ways that you can do your best to make most of your work days pleasant. As you sit down to work, remind yourself why you do what you do. Thinking about the big picture, like how you work from home in order to … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Dropshipping

One way to make money from home is to sell things online. There are many ways to sell products on the internet, and some of them work better for some people than for others. Dropshipping is one method of selling products online. Dropshipping involves selling products for companies that sell the products for you on a wholesale basis. Here are some of the pros and cons of starting a home based dropshipping business. On the positive side of things, there is the fact that the merchandise does not have to come to your home before it goes to your customers. … Continue reading

Medicaid in Mississippi Covers Family Planning

Every Medicaid program has a portion that covers women who are pregnant. In some states, this is included within the main Medicaid program, and in others it is separate. The state of Mississippi does both, and also has a portion that covers family planning. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide affordable health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low-income and who do not make enough money to be able to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded by both the federal government and … Continue reading