Cleaning Hard Water Stains

I’m always amazed that no matter how much I clean my house, there is always something to be done. It seems like every day I’m picking up, dusting and vacuuming. Sometimes I forget the other things, you know, those things that have to be done once in a while. It seems like today was that once in a while. I woke up in a cleaning mood, when that happens I know I’m going to be doing things I don’t usually do. This was not to be a normal cleaning day. I live in Utah and we have extremely hard water. … Continue reading

The Worst Stain EVER

Blood is probably the worst stain ever, especially if it is coming from your head… or worse… your kid’s head, but tar comes in a close second, especially if it is on your carpet. Or embedded in your carpet. Don’t ask me how I know this; just know that because of my financial situation I had to figure out a way to remove said worst stain EVER-—by myself. Here’s what I discovered: There isn’t an aisle at Target or Home Depot that carries a commercial cleaner named: “Carpet Tar Stain Remover.” However, there are some other reputable products that you … Continue reading

Cleaning Up After a Sick Child

It was a lovely Saturday, or it would have been if I hadn’t woken up to a three year old throwing up on me. Poor little thing. Ivy spend the night last night and got sick in both of our beds. I don’t think my washer has run this much in one day since Hailey was little. Cleaning up vomit is never fun but if you don’t get to it immediately it will stain. So if you have a sick kid, as soon as you get them cleaned up throw the bedding in the tub, especially if it’s the middle … Continue reading

Labor Part IV

I had been in active labor for a good three hours when, I agreed to have my water broke. I actually never crossed my mind to have my water artificially broken, but in the midst of very strong contractions and the prospect of getting through it sooner, it seemed like a good idea to me. I had to lay down so that the midwife could check my progress and I was eight centimeters dilated. I had several contractions while laying down on my back and they were the worst! The midwife waited for a contraction to put pressure on the … Continue reading

Farmers’ Insurance Decides Dog is “Totaled”

This is a scenario right out of a pet lover’s worst nightmare. A woman’s dog was hit by a van. The dog survived the impact, but needed medical care. The insurance of the driver limited the amount of medical care that they would cover for the dog. They actually told the owner her dog would be considered “totaled” after a few visits to the vet. A woman in Colorado named Marcia Pinkstaff was walking her dog, Sasha, in a crosswalk. Sasha is a lab mix, and was nine years old. Tragedy struck when a van made a left turn and … Continue reading

Kitchen Storage Cleaning Tips

Each and every time I place Tupperware or other plastic food storage containers in the dishwasher, I am met with disastrous results. Consequently, I have taken to hand washing all of my containers, even the higher quality ones that are made from hard plastic and resist stains. The main problem with placing plastic food storage containers in the dishwasher is that they warp to the point where you cannot get the lids to secure onto the bottoms. Now, I clean the containers with a mixture of water, vinegar, ammonia and baking soda. For containers with tough spaghetti sauce stains I … Continue reading

Are You Using the Right Laundry Detergent?

Remember when you could go to the store, roll down the laundry detergent aisle, grab one of three different brands of soap, and then go home confident that your clothes would get squeaky clean? These days, some stores have multiple aisles devoted to laundry detergent because a single aisle cannot possibly accommodate all of the different varieties. There was a time when I could pull a container of Tide off the shelf with my eyes closed and know I was getting the right soap, but now the brand has no less than a dozen different varieties, including: Original Tide, Tide … Continue reading

Go With It.

One thing that every mother should prepare for is the unexpected. I hate the unexpected. I am a schedule abiding mom, and like order, and structure in my life. But, the truth is, just about everyday, something un-expected happens when you have a baby. Whether it be sickness, or crankiness, or your baby surprising you when he learns something new, there is always something! So, moms-to-be: beware! But, how do you prepare for the unexpected? Isn’t that pretty close to impossible? I’m still learning as I go. But, like every Mom, I try to think of everything. I think, “Will … Continue reading

How Brain Injuries Can Affect Your Money

I was in a car accident back in March and sustained a concussion in the left quadrant of my brain. That’s right … the left side. The side that controls logic, reasoning, ability to do math, and consequently, how you handle money. I’ve always been the bill-payer in our family. I have a handy-dandy chart, I know when everything is due, and on payday, I sit down and pay all the bills. This has been my routine since I got married. Come rain, come shine … the bills are paid on payday. And yet, for some reason, two months ago … Continue reading

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

Of the 6,000 fans that gathered outside a Chicago church last week to bid farewell to actor Bernie Mac more than half wondered why his publicist continually fed false health updates to the media during his hospitalization. The comedian’s rep is remaining mum, but Mac’s widow recently went public with her reaction to her beloved husband’s death. Just a few days ago Mac’s wife of 30 years spoke to reporters and admitted that initially she didn’t think much of her late husband’s trip to the hospital. As she tells it, the comedian had a fever and trouble breathing, but didn’t … Continue reading