20 Ways to Avoid Independence Day Injuries

Nothing extinguishes Fourth of July fun faster than an injury.  That goes double if your young child is the victim of an Independence Day accident. To avoid the physical pain and suffering associated with a holiday mishap and the added agony of paying sky-high medical bills, consider the following safety tips:   Never allow children to ignite fireworks. Adults should be on hand at all times when children are near fireworks. Always follow the instructions printed on the fireworks’ box. Keep fire extinguishers, water hoses or a bucket of water on hand if you are using any type of pyrotechnic, … Continue reading

Trash to Treasure

With Earth Day right around the corner, now is a good time to give items a second look before you toss them in the trash.  Could that empty plastic milk container be transformed into a pretty vase?  What about Junior’s ripped shirt?  Before you dump it, remove the buttons and repurpose them.  Buttons make great accents on scrapbook layouts and work wonders on craft projects. Just last week one of my favorite magnets broke.  It was a ceramic   Humuhumunukunukuapua’a—the state fish of Hawaii.  I got it the last time we were visiting my parents.  Unfortunately, the fish’s body shattered and … Continue reading

Gearing Up for the Holiday Season

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… and a new Cricut Mini, Xyron Magic Sticker Maker, fancy punch kits, and a stencil set. What scrapbooking items are on your holiday gift wish list? While many scrapbook fans drool over the latest and greatest memory book gadgets, there is one piece of equipment essential to the hobby–a camera. With the busy holiday season right around the corner, now is the time to upgrade your camera if need be. After all, you can’t create stunning layouts with photos that look better in the trash than on your scrapbook page. Fortunately, decent quality digital … Continue reading

Reducing the Cost of Trash Bags

There are a number of environmental reasons to cut down on your trash bags, and there are even more money saving ones, too. Today, I’m going to take a look at the later, and find you ways to cut down on the cost of trash bags. Buy fewer packaged foods. If you opt for less packaging and more whole food, then you will naturally have less trash that has to go into the trash bags. This includes the plastic bags that you might normally use to take home your fruit. Instead, make a homemade bag. Old pillow cases work great, … Continue reading

Happy Sober St. Patrick’s Day

It’s St. Patrick’s Day. The one day of the year that your kids can pinch each other and get away with it… or start a fight, but what’s new? So, really St. Patrick’s Day is like any other day, only with a wee bit more green and a lot more alcohol. Hopefully, your kids will surround themselves more with the former than the latter. Especially if they’re under 21. If you have teens you may want to think twice before letting them out of your sight tonight. According to news reports, drunken driving incidents spike on St. Patrick’s Day to … Continue reading

Bad Day

You think you had a bad day? When fear, frustration, anxiety, anger or overwhelming discontent overtake my day I bury my head… in a newspaper. Seriously; nothing changes my perspective on life faster than reading the headlines of the NY Daily News. The sheer magnitude of horrific incidents involving parents and their children serve as a serious slap in the face, and makes my personal problems seem like blessings. You think you’re having a bad day? Take a look at these headlines: *Mother lets baby boy drown; admits she hated him *12-year-old girl discovered naked, searching for food in trash … Continue reading

Need Help Sorting Heirlooms From Trash?

Many genealogists can rattle off a list of the most important heirlooms that have been passed down in their family from one generation to the next. It isn’t so easy to make decisions about the importance of items stored in your basement, or in your relative’s attic. There is at least one company that can help you sort those things. Family heirlooms are a treasure. Part of what makes them so special is that they are tangible. It is nice to hear stories about how your great-great grandmother used to cook wonderful family dinners using a particular cooking pot. It … Continue reading

So Much Trash

I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of trash that is generated on Christmas day. As a rule we are pretty good about reducing, reusing and recycling but Christmas comes and all our good intentions fly right out the window. Every Christmas I try to reduce the amount of trash, not only to save the planet but to save money and the amount of time it takes me to clean up after such a crazy day. I always save gift boxes from year to year, I never buy gift tags, there is always plenty of paper around the house … Continue reading

National Recycle the Refrigerator Day?

It seems there is a day for everything! Today is a two-fer and both will help you get your house cleaned. It is America Recycles Day and National Clean out your Refrigerator Day. Talk about double duty! Just in time to fill the fridge with Thanksgiving goodies. Go and ruthlessly toss those random containers in your fridge. Since we are also recycling today, see if you can recycle any of those leftovers into a meal for tonight. Kill two birds with one stone, the fridge gets clean and dinner is a breeze. Don’t go crazy cleaning the fridge since next … Continue reading

Trash Day

Its trash day and I missed it, again. Fortunately with just Hailey and I we don’t make a lot of trash but occasionally the cans do need to make it to the curb. If I don’t remember to put them out at night I always forget in the morning. Well, I don’t really forget but I’m always running when I leave the house in the morning so there just isn’t time to stop and put the trash out. Next week I’ll remember. I have a sort of routine that I try to follow the night before trash day, when I … Continue reading