DIY Toddler Toys from Everyday Objects

Toddlers have an abundance of curiosity, a short attention span (when compared to adults), and an innate ability to uninhibitedly express themselves whenever the need strikes. One might say that toddlers excel at living in the moment. The good news is that this means you can make some DIY toddler toys out of everyday household objects that will attract and amuse your toddler. Obviously, parents will need to monitor their toddlers as they play with these “DIY” toys (just as they would if the toddler was playing with regular toys). Many parents have noticed this little “quirk” that toddlers have. … Continue reading

Cleaning By Phone

Lately I’ve been lacking the motivation to clean my house. Once the weather is warm I just want to be outside. There is more than enough to do outside. I come in grab something to eat and go back outside. I’m like a little kid, outside until it’s time for a shower and bed. The dishes and the dust have been piling up. Today at work I was reading about an iphone app to hypnotize you to clean your house. When I got home from work I looked for it on my android. I couldn’t find it but I did … Continue reading

Does Your Filing System Really Work?

I’ve always been proud of how organized I am, you might even say I’ve been cocky about it. Paperwork comes into my house and it is immediately filed, most of the time. I brag that I can lay my hands on anything you want in under five minutes. I really thought my filing system was working. Probably because other than tax paperwork I haven’t needed anything in my filing cabinet in a while. I have a system, a good system that made sense to me, other people might not understand it but I thought I did. Until Hailey’s accident and … Continue reading

National Poison Prevention Week

March 18th thru the 24th is National Poison Prevention Week. Every year over four million calls are made to poison control centers in the United States. Most of us are aware of the dangers of poisoning but did you know that poisoning is one of the major causes of death in the U.S.? Now that warmer weather is here and we are doing more cleaning and yard work it is more important than ever to be vigilant about the use of chemicals and pesticides. We all know how quick children are, it only takes a moment of turning your back … Continue reading

Cleaning Timesavers

On to more time savers. Yesterday I wrote about time saving laundry tips, now it’s time to tackle the cleaning itself. We all dread it but it has to be done. Why not find ways to do it faster and maybe even easier. Think about the chore you dread. Is it cleaning the kitchen after dinner. Vacuuming? Cleaning off your nightstand? Whatever it is that you dread and put off, time it. When I look at the kitchen after dinner all I can see if a huge amount of time spent cleaning, especially since I no longer use my dishwasher … Continue reading

Disney Website for New and Expecting Parents

Remember Our365? I don’t expect you do. Almost a year ago I posted about how Disney had teamed up with the organization that helps companies market to expectant parents. Our365 can actually get its partner companies’ representatives into maternity wards to try to sell their wares. For all I know either the company or its partnership is now defunct. But Disney hasn’t stopped sniffing around its coveted new market. On Monday January 17 the House of Mouse launched Disney Baby works just like other sites in the Disney Go family, although strangely its URL doesn’t contain the word “go” … Continue reading

Potential Problems of a Home-Based Business

As we are nearing the end of 2011, you might be thinking about ways to increase your home-based business or start one up. While there are many, many positive reasons to work from home, there are also potential problems that have to be realized. You may end up using this blog as a defense weapon as well, the next time someone tells you how “easy” you have it being able to work at home. No matter what your business is (inside or outside the home), there are always good and bad parts to it. One of the biggest problems you … Continue reading

The Versatility of Microfiber Cloths

I am really starting to fall in love with microfiber cloths. These were an ingenious invention, if you ask me. My first experience with one was after I had attended a Norwex party. They sell green-friendly cleaning products. I purchased the dust mitt, which to me has been a wonderful way to dust. You save so much money by not having to buy Pledge or other dusting products. But you also avoid the use of chemicals in your home. And you can wash these, so they are reusable. But I am learning that microfiber cloths are more readily available, so … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Safe Household Treatments

At various vet trips we’ve received advice to treat our pets with doses of Benadryl, Zyrtec, and Neosporin. That’s right: medicines we think are for people can also be for pets. There are actually a number of household items or medications we can employ if our animals are having problems. The trick is knowing exactly what medicines, and how much of them, are safe for our pets. For example: most dogs should only have one Benadryl a day. If giving the pet Zyrtec, it should only receive the normal kind – make sure it doesn’t have any decongestants or other … Continue reading

Two Favorite Cleaning Products

Last year when I got married, I moved into my husband’s house and wow! Cleaning a whole house, instead of just my previous bedroom, kept me really busy. I enjoy having a house and taking care of it, but cleaning it can be a big chore if I don’t stay on top of it. To make cleaning a more speeding process I have found some favorite products to help me do a quick clean. To clean floors I love the Swiffer WetJet! They work great on wood, tile, linoleum, and almost any kind of hard flooring. What is perfect about … Continue reading