Sleeping in Separate Beds: You’re Not Alone

Our culture believes that couples who sleep in separate beds are either experiencing or inviting problems in their marriage. Because I’m a light sleeper, I’m a firm believer that couples should be free to sleep separately if necessary. Jon and I almost always sleep together, but if one of us is restless we move to another bed, to keep that person from being woken up. I know that sleeping in the same bed improves intimacy. Once kids are part of the equation alone time between couples is scarce, and time in bed together, even if it’s just the process of … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning the Bedroom – Part 5

When you walk into your bedroom, do you feel like you have entered a sanctuary? Or does it feel more like chaos, with stuff all over the place? Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to make your bedroom what it should be, a place that you can feel comfortable entering at the end of a long day. It should be a place where you can receive a good night’s rest. Clutter and chaos take away from that. As I have been sharing in my other spring cleaning blogs, the best way to tackle any room is to clear it out … Continue reading

Are You Sleep Deprived?

When I was younger, I never understood what the big deal was about sleep. I’d hear older people complain about not sleeping good and I’d think “I never have a problem!” I had no problem as a late teen getting by on three or four hours of sleep a night. I guess I am officially “older” now because my sleep patterns range from “like a baby” to “not at all.” Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently did a study that showed the states that are most sleep deprived. Southern states ranked highest, which doesn’t surprise me. The study showed … Continue reading

What Are You Sharing Your Bed With?

Sometimes when I’m searching the internet for ideas I come across something that makes my skin itch. This is one of those posts. Dust mites, now that I know about them I may never get a good nights sleep! Dust mites cannot be seen with the naked eye but they can still cause serious health problems such as allergies, asthma, nasal polyps and eczema. Believe it or not, they are one of the most common causes of allergies and asthma. Dust mites need moisture and they feed on dead skin cells, ewwwww! They love to hid in our beds, making … Continue reading

Do You and Your Spouse Sleep in Separate Beds?

In the days of black and white television, it was scandalous to show a man and woman in the same bed. I remember seeing episodes of I Love Lucy and wondered why Lucy and Ricky had twin beds—the world just wasn’t ready for anything more suggestive. Today when we hear of a man and woman sleeping in two separate beds, our thoughts immediately leap to the conclusion that they are having anger and/or sexual problems. But is that the only reason for sleeping separately? Some people are driven to the couch or to the guest bedroom by their spouse’s snoring … Continue reading

Hope for Parents of Bed-Wetters

My daughter is going to kill me for sharing this… However, in the spirit of helping others… My name is Michele and I used to parent a child who wet her bed well after she was potty trained. I silently cursed having to change soaked bed sheets in the middle of the night, and then again in the morning. I was peeved that my school-aged child couldn’t control her bladder. I worried that she would be forced to have surgery. I wondered what I was doing wrong. Then, after months of nagging suspicions and misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis, we finally met … Continue reading

Creative Communication with Your Teen

If you are the parent of a teen, then you know how difficult communication can be at times. If it’s not a breakdown of communication, it is miscommunication. Either one can get you in trouble. So how does a parent find a way to communicate with their teen when it feels like they are dealing with a clam? You know the type…they won’t open their mouth for anything. They feel uncomfortable being put on the spot and made to feel that they have to talk. One way is to not make it so formal. Talking with your teen doesn’t have … Continue reading

Poor Bedtime Habits Can Lead to Misdiagnosis of ADHD

Does your child really have ADHD? Or, has your child been misdiagnosed with ADHD because he or she is displaying symptoms that are brought on by poor bedtime habits? A study shows that there are many children who don’t truly have ADHD, but appear to have it, due to not having enough sleep. A study was done that was based on a survey given to 704 parents. The parents had children who were between the ages of 2 and 13. Most of the parents who filled out the survey were mothers. All parents were randomly selected to fill out a … Continue reading

The Crib Bedding Dilemma

After buying a crib bedding set for the arrival of our son and after realizing that we may never again have a dedicated nursery (our two children will be sharing for awhile at least), I have decided that all those uber cute themed nursery sets are not for me or my psuedo nursery. I like things to match and the only way to guarantee the longevity of matching bedding is to go white. I am realizing that going white is easier said than done. After spending countless hours on-line trying to find “white” crib bedding that is modern, clean, and … Continue reading

Sharing Love Quotes on Valentine’s Day

When you read an exceptionally beautiful quote do you tuck it away and only look at it when you are alone, or do you feel compelled to share it with the world. Most avid scrappers fall into the latter group, especially when they are putting together a Valentine’s layout. Love quotes are the perfect addition to a page devoted solely to expressing your feelings about the person you care for the most. Sometimes a simple quote can inspire an entire poem which you can feature on your layout as well. If you lack the romance gene and can’t pen a … Continue reading