Yard Work in December

We are having some unseasonably warm days. Usually this time of year we have already shoveled snow several times, this year, we’ve been lucky. It was in the 50’s today so I was able to get some yard work done. That seems so strange to say in December. I have a very little yard but a very big tree. There are lots of leaves. Usually because it snows so early and so often I don’t get all the leaves before the snow falls, this year, I was able to get them. I raked once in the fall but the tree … Continue reading

Vacation Packages for Overworked Moms

Perhaps it’s because the new school is fast approaching and kids will be heading back to class after being home with mom all day or maybe hotel marketing people simple know that the words “slave labor” and “mother” are easily interchanged. Regardless of the reason, lodgings around the country are running some outstanding deals on travel packages that cater to women who need a break from their chaotic lives. Take a look: PALM SPRINGS The snazzy Parker Palm Springs is offering a great deal on a “Rest and Rejuvenate” package. It includes two nights in a king room, breakfast daily, … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at Families.com, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

Holiday Decorating Tips: Your Home and Yard

At one of the TV stations I used to work at we featured a segment during the month of December called: “Holiday Lights—Show Us Your Stuff.” We’d send a crew to document various homes in the viewing area that captured the holiday spirit. I used to marvel at how creative, and frankly, how incredibly elaborate some homeowners got with their outdoor decorations. Personally, I don’t have the time or money to turn my yard into a mega-watt Winter Wonderland. However, if you have the money but not the time (or motivation) to string hundreds of feet of lights or garland … Continue reading

That’s Not Very Green, Orlando!

Jason and Jennifer Helvengston are residents of College Park, a section of Orlando, Florida.  This area is close to downtown and popular among the working age citizens, of which the majority are homeowners.  But, if you are a homeowner, do you have the right to do whatever you want on your land? No, according to College Park officials. See, Jason and Jennifer decided to set up a 25 x 25 foot micro-irrigated vegetable garden in their front yard.  City code says your yard has to look “finished” and kept clean to keep property values up.  Therefore, officials told Jason he … Continue reading

Halloween Fun for Kids With Special Needs

In general, Halloween can be a tricky holiday to plan for. Some kids are going to have a very low tolerance for “scary”, while others will thrive on it. Kids with sensory issues could be overwhelmed by flashing lights and background music that consists of screams and odd noises. Here are some Halloween events that are much more friendly for kids who have special needs. On September 29, 2012, there will be a Zombie Walk that is designed to accommodate kids who have special needs, and their families. It will take place in Canton, Ohio. Dress as a zombie, and … Continue reading

Not Feeling Very Neighborly

It’s been so nice lately that I want to work in my yard and neglect the inside of my house. The outside of our homes says just as much about us as the inside but right now, I’m struggling with it. I have one of “those” neighbors, trash fills their yard, cars and car parts litter the driveway and front yard. Half built shacks lean against the house and the weeds have completely taken over the yard. It makes it hard to stay motivated to keep my yard nice when the weed seeds are causing weeds to sprout everywhere, no … Continue reading

Summer Home Businesses for Teens

Well the days are winding down and pretty soon children will be on summer vacation. If you have teenagers like I do, you know that the job market hasn’t been very good so it may be a challenge to find a job for the summer. My 17-year-old has been looking for a job since December. He has landed one interview but didn’t get the job. Times are difficult out there so teens may need to get a bit creative. So here are some ideas for summer home businesses for teens. Remember that with any home business, it will also require … Continue reading

Baskets Full of Fun

Nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like a basket full of homemade cookies, brownies, chocolate sauce and pound cake. My neighbor outdoes herself each December and this year is no exception. Yesterday she dropped off a huge gift basket filled with my daughter’s favorite sweet treats, lovingly prepared in her own kitchen. I love the idea of getting and giving gift baskets during the holiday season. Even if you are working on a tight budget, homemade gift baskets are a great option for neighbors, co-workers, family and close friends. The best way to save when putting together a gift basket is … Continue reading

Enjoying the Shadows

Yesterday my son and I ventured outside to enjoy the relatively enjoyable temperature, the sunshine, and some free time together. Since the weather has been uncharacteristically cold and snowy for this part of the country we haven’t been spending as much time outside as we’d like. Coupled with the increasingly busy schedule my wife and I have been encountering lately our family time has mostly been spent cooking, eating, and trying to relax & do work at the same time (something that doesn’t really make sense or necessarily work). As always, I noticed changes in my son from before the … Continue reading